1. Home

  2. Patients and service users

    1. A-Z of services
      1. A
      2. Adult Community Nursing Service - North Nottinghamshire
        1. Information for carers and families
        2. Community district nursing staff uniforms
      3. Alcohol Related Long Term Conditions Team
      4. Arnold Lodge
      5. Assertive Outreach Team
      6. B
      7. Bassetlaw Home Oxygen Service
      8. Bassetlaw Hospice
      9. Beacon Lodge
      10. Bassetlaw Respiratory Specialist Nurse Service
      11. Bracken House Rehabilitation Unit
      12. Breastfeeding and infant feeding support
        1. Breastfeeding
        2. Formula feeding
        3. Your baby's development
        4. Breastfeeding friendly places
        5. Introducing solid foods
        6. Who can support you with breastfeeding?
      13. Blossomwood
        1. Blossomwood update
        2. MHSOP Involvement Group
        3. Kingfisher Ward
      14. C
      15. Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Team (CRHT)
      16. Cardio-Respiratory Team
      17. Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care Team
        1. Wellbeing Resources
      18. Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
        1. Young people
          1. CAMHS supporting LGBT+ young people
        2. Parents and carers
        3. Professionals
        4. CAMHS Services
          1. CAMHS Children Looked After and Adoption Team
          2. CAMHS Crisis Resolution Home Treatment Team
          3. Developmental Neuropsychiatry Tic Disorder Service
          4. CAMHS Intellectual Disability Team
          5. Community Eating Disorder Service
          6. CAMHS Paediatric Liaison Service
          7. Community CAMHS
          8. Head 2 Head Team
          9. CAMHS Mental Health Support Team (MHST)
            1. MHST Resources
              1. Parents and carers
              2. Young people
              3. Teachers and Schools
            2. Our Schools
            3. Top tips from young people
          10. Paediatric Liaison Team
          11. The Children Looked After CAMHS Team (Nottingham City)
          12. The Lookout Adolescent Unit (Hopewood)
            1. Music Therapy
        5. Self-referral
      19. Children in Care and Adoption
      20. Children's Centres - Nottinghamshire Children and Families Partnership
      21. City North LMHT
      22. City Recovery Team
      23. Clinical Neuropsychology Team
      24. Children's Centre Services
      25. Children's Speech and Language Therapy
        1. About our service
        2. How to refer
        3. Support and advice
          1. Helping Develop Communication at Home
            1. Language for Life
              1. How you can help
              2. Getting the right support
              3. Top tips
              4. Songs and rhymes
                1. Little Talkers
              5. Look what I can do
                1. Look what I can do - Alternative languages
              6. Practitioner zone
                1. Professional development
                  1. Early years practitioners
            2. Home Talk
          2. Bilingualism
          3. Communication support
            1. Language
            2. Speech sounds
            3. Autism
            4. Having a healthy voice
            5. Developmental language disorder
            6. Stammering
            7. Deaf & Hearing Support
            8. AAC
            9. Cleft lip and palate
        4. Drop in sessions
        5. Information for professionals
          1. Speech and Language Therapy training
          2. Language leads
          3. How to refer
          4. Useful resources
            1. What do we mean by speech, language and communication?
            2. A year of communication
            3. Links and resources
            4. Language for Life
      26. Community Diabetes Nursing Service - Bassetlaw
      27. Community Children and Young People's Service
        1. Children’s Community Nursing Teams
        2. Children’s Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy
        3. Community Training Team
          1. Meet the team
          2. About us
          3. Training information
          4. A-Z Training
            1. A
              1. Anaphylaxis Awareness and use of an AAI (Auto Adrenalin Injector)
              2. Anaphylaxis Awareness and use of an AAI (Auto Adrenalin Injector) and Train the Trainer AAI Practical Assessment
              3. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Awareness
              4. Autistic Spectrum Disorder Awareness
              5. Asthma Awareness
            2. E
              1. Emergency Management for a Child with a Tracheostomy
              2. Epilepsy Awareness
              3. Epilepsy Awareness Refresher
              4. Epilepsy Rescue Medication: Buccal Midazolam
              5. Epilepsy Rescue Medication: Buccal Midazolam Refresher
            3. G
              1. Gastrostomy Awareness including Blended Diet
              2. Gastrostomy Awareness including Blended Diet and Gastrojejunal Feeding Workshop
              3. Gastrostomy Awareness including Blended Diet Refresher
              4. Gastrostomy Button Device Balloon Water Change
              5. Gastrojejunal Awareness
            4. M
              1. Medication Administration Awareness
              2. Medication Administration Awareness Refresher
              3. Medication Awareness: Controlled Drugs
              4. Medication Administration Awareness including Controlled Drugs Workshop
            5. N
              1. Nasogastric Tube Awareness: Enteral Feeding and Administration of Medication
            6. O
              1. Oxygen Awareness
              2. Oral Suction Awareness
            7. R
              1. Recognising Childhood Illness
            8. T
              1. Tracheostomy Awareness
            9. V
              1. Vagal Nerve Stimulation for Paediatric Epilepsies
          5. Training dates
            1. Individual Microsoft Teams sessions
            2. Face to face sessions
          6. Contact and find us
        4. Children’s Community Phlebotomy
        5. Children’s Speech and Language Therapy
      28. Community Learning Disability Nursing Team (CLDT)
      29. Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) for Older People
      30. City Carer Support Services
      31. Community Forensic Team
      32. Community Mental Health Teams (CMHT) for Adults
      33. Community Forensic Intellectual and Developmental Disability Service (CFIDD)
      34. Community Nursing Evening and Night Service
      35. Community Nutrition and Dietetic Service
        1. DESMOND Programme for Type 2 diabetes
      36. Community Rehabilitation Team (CRT)
      37. Community Therapy Team
      38. Community Podiatry
      39. Specialist Continence Advisory Service
        1. Continence Advisory Service leaflets
      40. Continence Prescribing Service
      41. Community Stroke - South Nottingham County
      42. COPD - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
      43. County Health Day Services
      44. D
      45. Deaf Services
      46. Dementia Outreach Service (County)
      47. E
      48. Early Interventions in Psychosis (EIP)
      49. Nottinghamshire Eating Disorder Service
      50. F
      51. Family Nurse Partnership
      52. G
      53. H
      54. Haven House
      55. Hopewood
        1. Perinatal Mental Health Service
          1. Perinatal mental health problems
          2. Perinatal Community Mental Health Team
          3. The Margaret Oates Mother and Baby Unit
          4. The Nottinghamshire Perinatal Trauma and Bereavement Service (PTBS)
          5. Common worries and questions
          6. Who should be referred
          7. What to do if you feel you are struggling
          8. Support for partners, carers, and families
          9. Family Peer Support Workers in the PCMHT
          10. Further resources on perinatal mental health problems
      56. Healthy Family Teams
        1. Parentline
        2. ChatHealth - Confidential text service
        3. Additional support
        4. Useful links and external services
        5. Information for health and other professionals
      57. I
      58. Integrated Community Mental Health Team - Gedling and Hucknall
      59. Intensive Home Treatment Team (IHTT)
      60. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Service
      61. J
      62. John Eastwood Hospice
      63. K
      64. L
      65. Liaison and Diversion Service
      66. Local Mental Health Teams
        1. Future’s Positive
          1. Employment support
            1. CV Personal Profiles
            2. Competency based questions
            3. Writing a speculative letter
            4. Reframing information positively
            5. What should I put in a CV?
            6. The do's and don'ts of CV Personal Statements
      67. Learning, Culture and Organisational Development
      68. Bassetlaw Community Neurorehabilitation and Stroke Service
      69. M
      70. Intensive Community Assessment and Treatment Team (ICATT)
      71. Learning Disabilities Primary Care Liaison Team
      72. Mid Notts Community Neurorehabilitation Service
      73. Macmillan Nurse Service - Bassetlaw
      74. Macmillan Nurse Service - South Nottinghamshire
      75. Mental Health Liaison - Bassetlaw
      76. Highbury
        1. Highbury inpatient areas
          1. Cassidy Section 136 Suite
          2. Cherry Ward
          3. Orion Unit
          4. Redwood 1 Ward (Male)
          5. Redwood 2 Ward (Female)
          6. Rowan 1 Ward
          7. Rowan 2 Ward
          8. Silver Birch Ward
          9. The Willows - Mental Health Intensive Care Unit
        2. Community Assessment Treatment (CATS) Team
        3. Epilepsy and Intellectual Disability Specialist Services
          1. Epilepsy films and books
        4. Horizon Day Services
        5. Intellectual Disability Specialist Dieticians
        6. Speech and Language Therapy Service (Adult Intellectual Disabilities)
      77. Mid Notts Respiratory Service
      78. Musculoskeletal physiotherapy
      79. Mental Health Treatment Requirement (MHTR)
      80. N
      81. Newark and Sherwood Local Mental Health Team
      82. Nottingham Recovery College
        1. Enrolling as a student
          1. Expression of interest form
        2. Student Journey
        3. Our courses
          1. Face to face courses
          2. Virtual courses
        4. Contact and find us
      83. Nottingham Recovery Network
      84. Neurodevelopmental Specialist Service (NeSS)
        1. How to guides - Information for clinicians
          1. Environmental considerations and adjustments
          2. How to write a social story
          3. Strategies to manage anxiety in healthcare appointments
        2. Making sense resources
        3. Neurodevelopmental Referral Pathway for Adults
        4. Right to choose - Adults seeking assessment for ADHD and / or Autism
      85. Nottinghamshire County Post / Long COVID Service
      86. O
      87. Nottingham Specialist Depression Service
      88. Occupational Therapy for Adult Mental Health
      89. Occupational Therapy Learning Disabilities Team
      90. Out of Hours Service - Bassetlaw
      91. P
      92. Preparing for Adulthood and Transition to Adult Health Services
        1. PFA and Transition - What is it?
        2. Changes in healthcare between 16 to 18
        3. Benefits, care costs and social care support
        4. Preparing for Adulthood and Learning disability
        5. Preparing for adulthood and Life Limiting Illness
        6. Mental Health and Wellbeing
        7. Top tips and toolkit
        8. Other support services
        9. PFA Resources
      93. Primary Care Mental Health Practitioners
      94. Phlebotomy
      95. Pulmonary Rehab Community Services
      96. Podiatric Surgery
      97. Paediatric Occupational Therapy Team
      98. Primary Care Psychological Medicine
      99. R
      100. Rampton Hospital
        1. High Secure Services at Rampton Hospital
          1. National High Secure D/deaf Service
        2. Visiting Rampton Hospital
          1. The Visitors Centre Rampton Hospital
          2. Visitors Guide: Films
          3. Child visiting
        3. Carers information
          1. Gifts and Patient Possessions
          2. Social Visitor Events and Involvement
          3. The Family and Volunteer Support Service
      101. Primary Care Networks - Bassetlaw
      102. Rapid Response Liaison Psychiatry (RRLP)
      103. Respiratory Service - Mansfield and Ashfield
      104. RECONNECT
      105. S
      106. Inpatient Services - Lings Bar Hospital
      107. Safeguarding
        1. Safeguarding children
        2. Safeguarding adults
        3. Sexual Safety
          1. Consent Coalition (Nottingham)
        4. Concerned about domestic abuse
        5. Concerned about modern slavery
        6. Concerned about radicalisation
      108. Single Point of Referral - Bassetlaw
      109. Specialist Physiotherapy Service - Intellectual Disabilities Services
      110. Sherwood Oaks
      111. South Nottingham Adult Community Services Integrated Care Team
      112. Step 4 Psychology Service
      113. T
      114. The Nottingham Centre for Transgender Health
        1. Patient and GP updates
        2. Appointments
        3. East of England Gender Service
        4. Services offered
          1. Trans voice and communication exploration
          2. Intonation and Rhythm Exercises
          3. NHS Gender Dysphoria nurse-led support and information service
        5. Frequently asked questions
        6. Meet the team
      115. The Centre for Trauma Resilience and Growth
      116. The Acute Learning Disability Liaison Team
      117. The Health Shop
        1. C-Card
      118. The Level
      119. Therapeutic Intervention Services (TIS)
      120. Tissue Viability
      121. The Wells Road Centre
        1. Male Intellectual Disability Service
        2. Physical Healthcare Services
        3. Visiting information for carers
      122. U
      123. Urgent community response (Nottinghamshire County)
      124. Thorneywood Mount Rehabilitation Unit
      125. V
      126. W
      127. Wathwood Hospital
        1. Arranging a visit and visiting hours
        2. Information for Carers
        3. Join the team
        4. Patient therapies and education
        5. Primary Healthcare Services
        6. Courtyard Café
        7. The Farm Shop
        8. Section 17 Restaurant
      128. Street Triage Service
      129. Y
      130. Speech and Language Therapy (Adults)
      131. Ward B1 - Bassetlaw Hospital
      132. Prison Healthcare
      133. Youth Justice Nursing Service
      134. Nottinghamshire Mentalization Based Treatment (MBT) Service
      135. Young Onset Dementia
      136. Step 4 Psychotherapy Service
      137. Heart Failure Services
      138. Memory Assessment Service for Older People (MAS)
    2. Your care
      1. Infection prevention and control
      2. Your information
      3. Health Questionnaires
      4. Care Programme Approach
      5. Mental Health Act
      6. Mental Capacity Act
      7. Recovery
        1. Peer support
      8. Self care
      9. Campaigns and projects
    3. Your feedback matters
    4. Mental health support
      1. Nottinghamshire Crisis Sanctuaries
    5. Video Consultations
      1. Setting up your video consultation
      2. FAQs for patients and carers
      3. Using Microsoft Teams
    6. Patient and carer information leaflets
      1. Mental Health Act - Information in community languages
    7. Information about your mental health medicines
  3. Families and carers

  4. Working with us

  5. Get involved

    1. Nottinghamshire Healthcare Charity
    2. Involvement, experience and volunteering
    3. Get involved with research
    4. Become a Member
      1. Members' Bulletin
    5. Collaborative Working
  6. Contact us

    1. Queries, comments, concerns and complaints
      1. Frequently asked questions
      2. You said, we did
    2. Help in a crisis
    3. Your feedback matters
    4. British Sign Language
    5. Press and media
  7. About us

    1. Latest news
      1. International Nurses’ Day
      2. On Our Mind
      3. Coronavirus (COVID-19)
        1. Working safely during COVID-19 - Protecting our service users, their carers and our staff
      4. Publications
        1. Positive
        2. Annual Reports
      5. IMPACT Provider Collaborative - Secure care services
        1. Co-production
          1. Co-production workshops
      6. Campaigns
      7. AGM/AMM
        1. Online gallery
      8. Losing It: Our Mental Health Emergency
    2. Vision, values and five year strategy
    3. Board, Board papers and meetings
      1. Board papers
      2. Meet the Board
    4. Corporate Governance
      1. Council of Governors
        1. Meet your Governors
        2. Become a Governor
        3. Council of Governors’ meetings
        4. Contact a Governor
        5. Elections
        6. Positive Star nominations
      2. Freedom of information
        1. Make a freedom of information request
        2. FOI disclosure log
          1. 2024 - 2025
          2. 2023 - 2024
          3. 2022 - 2023
          4. 2021 - 2022
          5. 2020 - 2021
          6. 2019 - 2020
        3. FOI quarterly performance
        4. Policies and procedures
          1. 01 Patient Care
          2. 02 Physical Healthcare
          3. 03 Mental Healthcare
          4. 04 Management of Self-Harm, Violence and Aggression
          5. 05 Mental Health Legislation
            1. Trust Mental Health Legislation (MHL) Policy and Procedure Manual
          6. 06 Safeguarding
          7. 07 Infection Prevention and Control
            1. Trustwide Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Policy
            2. Chapter 1: Standard Infection Control Precautions (SICPs)
            3. Chapter 2: Transmission based precautions
            4. Chapter 3: A-Z of conditions
              1. IPC 3.1 Clostridioides Difficile
              2. IPC 3.2 Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease or any Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy
              3. IPC 3.3 Group A Streptococcus
              4. IPC 3.4A Infestations - Scabies, Lice
              5. IPC 3.4B Infestations - Pubic lice
              6. IPC 3.4C Infestations - Scabies
              7. IPC 3.5 Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA)
              8. IPC 3.6 Enteric Diseases
              9. IPC 3.7 Tuberculosis
              10. IPC 3.8 Viral Respiratory Tract Infections
              11. IPC 3.9 Multi-drug Resistant Organisms (MDRO)
            5. Chapter 4: Operational guidelines
              1. IPC 4.1 Obtaining a clinical sample
              2. IPC 4.2 Aseptic Non-Touch Technique
              3. IPC 4.3 Transfer of patients with a known/suspected infection
              4. IPC 4.4 Accidental exposure to bloodborne viruses
              5. IPC 4.5 Outbreak management pack
              6. IPC 4.6 Decontamination of patient equipment
          8. 08 Service User, Carer, Volunteer Information
          9. 09 Information Technology
          10. 10 Human Resources
          11. 11 Human Resources Guidelines
          12. 12 Confidentiality and Information Assurance
          13. 13 Safety Security
          14. 14 Medicines Optimisation
          15. 15 Patient Safety
          16. 16 Health and Safety
          17. 17 Emergency Planning
          18. 18 Business Conduct Incorporating Research
          19. 19 Clinical Effectiveness
          20. Trust joint policies
        5. Publication scheme
      3. Declarations of interest
    5. How we are doing
      1. Hate incidents / crimes
      2. Sustainability
      3. Financial information
        1. National Fraud Initiative
        2. Payment Performance
      4. Care Quality Commission (CQC)
      5. Safeguarding
      6. Patient Safety Incident Response Framework / PSIRF
      7. Performance in initiating and delivering clinical research
      8. Safe staffing levels
    6. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
      1. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion reports
      2. Resources
        1. Dyslexia - Guide for managers and colleagues
          1. Hidden impairments and disabilities
          2. Guidance for managers
          3. Guidance for individuals
          4. Trust support
          5. Appendix 1 - 4
            1. Appendix 1: General disability information
            2. Appendix 2: Workplace adjustments, equipment, software and support strategies
            3. Appendix 3: Learning styles
            4. Appendix 4: Glossary of terms
      3. Equality impact assessments
      4. LGBT+ Allies
    7. Celebrating success
      1. OSCARS
        1. Award categories
          1. Unsung Hero Award - Non Clinical
          2. Unsung Hero Award - Clinical
          3. Team of the Year Award - Non Clinical
          4. Team of the Year Award - Clinical
          5. Leadership Award
          6. Quality Improvement and Research Excellence Award
          7. Outstanding Care and Compassion Award
          8. Volunteer of the Year Award
          9. Environmental Impact Award
          10. Educator of the Year Award
          11. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Award
          12. Lifetime Achievement Award
        2. Sponsors
        3. Judging
        4. FAQ's
        5. OSCARS 2021/22 winners
        6. OSCARS 2022/23 winners
        7. OSCARS 2023/24 winners
      2. Positive star winners
      3. Our achievements
    8. Statements and website polices
      1. Accessibility statement
        1. Disproportionate burden assessment for PDF documents
      2. Modern slavery statement
      3. Privacy policy
      4. Cookie policy
      5. Terms and conditions
      6. Disclaimer
  8. Staff zone

    1. Staff wellbeing
    2. Recruitment
    3. E-Academy
    4. Knowledge and Library Services
      1. East Midlands Evidence Repository
      2. KnowledgeShare – Keeping up to date
      3. Knowledge and Library Services for Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care System
        1. Resources for Social care staff
      4. Knowledge and Library Service Support Overview
    5. Connect (Staff only)
  9. Phishing and scams

  10. Green hub

    1. My year in the garden
    2. My green therapy
      1. Gardening
      2. Wildlife
      3. Walking
    3. Our green spaces
  11. Virtual Pride 2022

    1. Virtual Pride 2021
    2. Virtual Pride 2020
      1. Pride Juke Box
      2. Reflections on Pride
  12. Virtual Black History Month 2021

    1. Virtual Black History Month 2020



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