Adult Community Nursing Service - North Nottinghamshire
We are a community-based service which is nurse-led and delivers care in the Mid Nottinghamshire and Bassetlaw area. We provide nursing assessments and care for patients with a physical healthcare need, who are housebound or temporarily housebound, and aged over 18. We visit patients at home or in residential care who are unable to leave on their own or with minimal support.
Our community teams usually include a range of different staff such as:
- team leaders
- district nurses
- senior staff nurses
- community staff nurses
- nurse associates
- healthcare support workers
- clinical nurse specialists
- ward co-ordinators/clinical administrators
Our teams work closely with hospitals, GPs, adult social care, care home matrons, and other healthcare professionals/services. We also meet a wide range of health needs by working closely with:
- physiotherapists
- occupational therapists
- social workers
- palliative care team
- continuing healthcare
- specialist healthcare professionals
How we can help you
The service supports and encourages people with disabilities and long-term conditions to cope and recover their health problems to try and achieve the best possible quality of independent life.
Some of services we offer are:
- advice and support with self-management
- short term bowel care
- continence management
- catheter care
- end of life care
- health education
- insulin administration including promoting self-management
- percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (a procedure in which a flexible feeding tube is placed through the abdominal wall and into the stomach) management and support
- phlebotomy (Bassetlaw only)
- prescribing (with appropriate qualification)
- pressure area care
- clinical risk assessments
- wound care
- leg ulcer management
- dietary advice
- We will also refer to other services where necessary to assist with your care
How you can help us
Our staff require a safe entry into your property and expect to work in a smoke free area, safe, and free from verbal abuse.
Our NHS Trust adopts a zero-tolerance policy. Any violence, abuse or harassment may result in treatment being withdrawn.
All uncaged animals must be contained i.e. shut away in another room or outside of the property so as not to obstruct the nurses’ entrance or exit.
We require access to handwashing facilities and kitchen roll to dry our hands.
Please note that our nursing staff do not carry any medications or dressings. It is your responsibility to arrange delivery and collection of any items required for your treatment.
Accessing our service
Community Nursing cover 24 hours, 365 days per year.
During these hours please call:
7am to 9pm - Tel: 01777 274422
9pm to 7am - Tel: 01623 781891
Mid Notts (This includes Newark and Sherwood, Mansfield and Ashfield - Sutton/Kirkby districts only)
24 hours a day - Tel: 01623 781891
Who can refer and our referral process
GPs, hospitals, healthcare professionals and Adult Social Care can also refer patients in.
Families, carers, and patients can self-refer into the service if they have previously been known to the Community Nursing Service.
Patients can be referred, or self-refer into the service as follows.
Self-referral - Bassetlaw
Single Point of Access
7am to 9pm - Tel: 01777 274400
7am to 9pm - Tel: 01623 781891
Self Referral Mid Notts (This includes Newark and Sherwood and Mansfield and Ashfield)
Tel: 01623 781891
Discharge criteria
Once you no longer have a nursing requirement or when your needs can be more appropriately met by another service i.e. practice nurse, we will discharge you into their care.
It will be the patient’s own responsibility to arrange transport to appointments with other services:
- Bassetlaw Action Centre - Tel: 01777 709650
- Tuxford Dial-a-Trip - 01777 874919