CAMHS Crisis Resolution Home Treatment Team

Our service is here for young people who are experiencing a mental health crisis. This includes those who:

  • Are at risk of immediate and significant self-harm
  • Are an immediate and significant risk to others due to their mental health
  • Are being considered for admission to a mental health inpatient unit
  • Are in acute psychological or emotional distress that means they are unable to go about their daily activities, such as going to school and looking after themselves

We offer intensive home treatment for young people:

  • Who have acute psychiatric or psychological symptoms
  • Whose mental health is getting worse and who are at high risk of experiencing an acute psychiatric crisis

We also help to plan for young people who are ready to come home from a psychiatric hospital and we provide out-of-hours care for those who are already working with specialist CAMHS teams.

When a young person no longer needs support from our team, we will make a discharge plan with them and their family as early as possible, to ensure they can have a positive move to another service. Options might include moving to another community CAMHS service, another service/agency or back to universal services such as a GP or school nurse, depending on the needs of the young person.

Service opening hours

We now operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Accessing our service

CAMHS Crisis and Home Treatment provide a 24/7 service, please contact us on 0808 196 3779 (option 1) to access mental health support, a clinician will provide advice on the phone and on ward steps will be determined from this. Anyone can call the Crisis line on behalf of a young person if they feel unable to make the call themselves.

Contact and find us

CAMHS Crisis Team for urgent assistance: 0808 196 3779 (option 1)


CAMHS Crisis Team

Pebble Bridge
Foster Drive

Information for health professionals

How to refer

The team accepts referrals from anyone on behalf of a young person, a telephone call will be completed first to understand a young persons needs once completed a face to face assessment will be completed if indicated or signposting to other services will be advised at the point of initial telephone call.

The team accept referrals from anywhere within Nottinghamshire, including Bassetlaw.

If you do not require immediate mental health crisis support you can complete a self-referral via the Single Point of Access team. They will screen and allocate all incoming referrals to the appropriate CAMHS Team.


County Single point of access:

Telephone: 0115 854 2299 or 0115 844 0501
Online referrals: CAMHS Self-referral | Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust


City single point of access:

Telephone: 0115 876 4000


In-reach function

For those young people who do require a psychiatric admission we will support the inpatient unit and community teams by offering in-reach support by facilitating home leave and attending ward rounds in order to provide a timely and safe discharge.

The team can offer intensive home treatment to help people adjust when they leave hospital, if this is needed.


Lead clinician

Clinical Team Lead
Mollie King

Operational Team Lead 
Kacey Sharkey


Service commissioned by Nottinghamshire Joint Commissioning Board



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