Child visiting
If you are looking to visit the hospital with a child or young person, please watch this film which explains all about child visits. It includes information on the child visitor accreditation process and what happens when you visit with a young person. The film also gives a tour of the Child Visiting Suite, which is the only area a young person will visit whilst at the hospital. Please also download this child friendly information leaflet to help you talk with your young person about visiting at Rampton Hospital.
Things to know before bringing a child aged under 18 years to visit a patient at Rampton Hospital
- The process starts when the patient asks to see the child/young person
- The person with parental responsibility for the child must agree to the contact
- The patient's clinical team has to agree to the request
- The local Children's Social Care Service will assess the child's best interests and submit a report to the Hospital. If the assessment does not agree that it is in the child's best interests to visit, then it cannot go ahead
- The child must be accompanied by their parent/guardian or an adult nominated by the parent/guardian
How to apply
The patient will submit a written request. The clinical team will help him/her to do this.
- If supported by the clinical team, the child's parent/guardian will be contacted for their views
- Social Services will be contacted for their views
- A social worker will visit the parents and talk to the child
- All reports are sent to the nominated officer, who convenes a meeting where a panel will consider everyone's views and thoughts
- If the nominated officer agrees to the visits, you will be informed by letter
- The visit can now be arranged. You must contact the Family and Volunteer Support Service, at least five days in advance
- If the patient becomes unwell, these visits may be postponed or stopped for a while
Child Visiting Suite
- All child visits take place in the Child Visiting Suite
- The Child Visiting Suite is a short walk into the Hospital. It is fully equipped with children in mind.
If you have any questions about a child visiting the Hospital, please contact your social worker or phone the Family and Volunteer Support Service.