The do's and don'ts of CV Personal Statements


  • Get to the point (don't waffle!)
  • Make sure you state who you are, what you can bring to role, what your career goal is.
  • Add value - Quantify your statements e.g. increased revenue by , increased results by .%.
  • Avoid cliches i.e. I'm a great team player be more personal e.g. within my sales team I .
  • Use the phrases - successfully; developed; proven; track record; experienced.



  • Be too generic link the CV to the job applying for.
  • Focus on self . State what you can bring to the company.
  • Confuse it with a cover letter it is a brief statement of introduction.
  • Think of it as a list - Don't list endless attributes and start every sentence with I!.
  • Forget to read it out loud Check if it flows, look for grammatical errors.



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