Employment support

The Trust offers employment support through the Future's Positive Individual Placement Support (IPS) team.

The team uses the IPS method to help identify preferences within work that will help a person stay in employment. 

This page has links to information that will help when writing CV's and applications and support you to present yourself in a positive way.

CV Personal Profiles

Various examples of personal profile templates that can be used on CV's.

Competency based questions

A brief description of the type of compentencies you may be tested on during an interview and an explanation of the STAR technique.

Writing a speculative letter

Example of a speculative letter along with some notes on how to write one.

Reframing information positively

Examples of how to reframe information on a more positive light.

What should I put in a CV?

Example of a CV including explanations of what is included, and why.

The do's and don'ts of CV Personal Statements

A list of do's and don'ts for writing the opening personal statement on a CV.

Downloadable documents

The following links are downloadable documents. If you would like this information in an alternative format please contact futurespositive@nottshc.nhs.uk.

Industries of interest

Indicate your level of interest in each industry.

Examples of STAR statements

Various examples of STAR statements that can be used for Civil Service Job applications.



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