Chapter 2: Transmission based precautions

Standard infection control precautions may be insufficient to prevent cross transmission of specific infectious agents and additional precautions called “transmission based precautions” (TBP) may be required when caring for patients with known / suspected infection or colonisation.

Transmission based precautions are categorised by the route of transmission of infectious agents (some infectious agents can be transmitted by more than one route).

Chapter 2: Transmission based precautions (TBPs)



IPC 2.1 Patient placement/assessment of infection risk

IPC 2.2 Safe management of patient care equipment in an isolation room/cohort area

IPC 2.3 Safe management of the care environment

IPC 2.4 Personal protective equipment (PPE): fluid-resistant surgical masks (FRSM) and respiratory protective equipment (RPE)

IPC 2.5 Aerosol generating procedures

IPC 2.6 Infection prevention and control when caring for the deceased



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