Corporate Governance
Corporate governance ensures that corporate affairs and related functions are undertaken to the highest standards of probity and according to statutory and legislative requirements.
Efficient corporate governance systems and processes which are easy to navigate are critical to realising the ambitious strategic vision of the Trust. The corporate governance function develops, maintain and continuously improve corporate governance arrangements so that the Board of Directors can be assured that our patients are receiving the high quality of care we aspire to. The function empowers transparency and openness through creating opportunities for rigorous debate and challenge.
The team supports streamline delivery of functions and service between the Corporate Governance team and the Trust operations. The team will manage the interface between the management and governance arrangements of the Trust and take every opportunity to ensure a high standard of reporting and debate.
The Corporate Governance team provides a key function to the Board of Directors, Executives Leadership team and the key committees of the Board. This includes key functions:
- Corporate Governance - ensuring the Trust is compliant on all matters relating to regulation, statutory and legislative matters.
- Trust Secretariat Administrative team - providing leadership to the team who provide administrative support to the Executive Directors, Non-Executive Directors. Overseeing the administration of the Trust’s Committee structure, including Board and Council of Governors.
- Risk Management - overseeing the Board Assurance Framework, Operational Risk Register and Risk Committee on behalf of the Trust.
- Legal Affairs - overseeing the provision of legal advice and support to Coroners’ Inquests and other legal proceedings.
- Freedom to Speak Up team - providing leadership to the team who offer impartial and confidential support to colleagues who want to ‘speak up’ about their experience working for the Trust or patient care.
- Freedom of Information - ensuring the Trust is compliant with the Freedom of Information Act 2010.
- Council of Governors and Foundation Trust membership - providing effective governance arrangements for the Council of Governors and managing and developing the Trust’s Foundation Trust membership.
Board of Directors 
Nottinghamshire Healthcare Trust structure and relationships
Council of Governors and Board of Directors structure and relationships.
Name | Size/Type | Date |
6.3.2 Corporate documents_SFI Board V1.0.docx | 135KB DOCX | 17 Oct 2024 |
6.3.3 Corporate documents_SoRD Board V1.0.docx | 138KB DOCX | 06 Nov 2023 |
FT Constitution Updated October 2023 Final - including Standing Orders.pdf | 1559KB PDF | 25 Jun 2024 |
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS FT - Undertakings.pdf | 163KB PDF | 10 Dec 2024 |