Policies and procedures
The Trustwide policies are broken down into 19 sections. You can find them all in the folders below.
Royal Marsden Manual
Trust staff can access the Royal Marsden Manual from this website. You will need to click on the web link below and login with your NHS Athens username and password.
If you do not have an NHS Athens account, self-register here: OpenAthens | Registration (nice.org.uk) or if you have forgotten your password, you can reset it here: OpenAthens | Reset Password (nice.org.uk)
Access the Royal Marsden Manual at: Home - Royal Marsden Manual (rmmonline.co.uk)
Find out more
These policies are reviewed regularly. If you would like to find out more then please contact us via email.
For Clinical Policies - clinicalpolicies@nottshc.nhs.uk
For Non-Clinical Policies - policies@nottshc.nhs.uk
- 01 Patient Care
- 02 Physical Healthcare
- 03 Mental Healthcare
- 04 Management of Self-Harm, Violence and Aggression
- 05 Mental Health Legislation
- 06 Safeguarding
- 07 Infection Prevention and Control
- 08 Service User, Carer, Volunteer Information
- 09 Information Technology
- 10 Human Resources
- 11 Human Resources Guidelines
- 12 Confidentiality and Information Assurance
- 13 Safety Security
- 14 Medicines Optimisation
- 15 Patient Safety
- 16 Health and Safety
- 17 Emergency Planning
- 18 Business Conduct Incorporating Research
- 19 Clinical Effectiveness
- Trust joint policies