Meet your Governors

Nottinghamshire Healthcare has a Council of Governors which consists of 27 Governors comprising:

  • 14 elected public Governors
  • 8 elected staff Governors
  • 5 appointed partner Governors

Find out more about your Governors by visiting the pages on the left. 

If you would like to contact a Governor in your constituency please go to the 'Contact a Governor' page of this website or email 

Council of Governors

Public Governors - Nottingham City

Helen Drury                                                                   

Declarations of interest - no interest declaredHelen Drury

About me:

I have worked with the Involvement Team historically and have a passion for areas such as Mental Health, a subject close to my heart.

I have worked as a teacher within the Nottingham inner city Comprehensive schools for thirty years, and also have an interest and passion in relation to the subject of Special Needs, a complex area that is in need of as much support and improvement as possible.

I am a former Nottingham Magistrate of seven years, involving complicated decisions and coming into contact with a cross section of society.

I am a school Governor of a primary school, which currently allows me the opportunity to observe and gain an insight into this age group, as an extension of the experience with older children. I am Supportive of the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service.


Hannah Foskett

Declarations of Interest - no interest declared



Hali Qureshi

Declarations of Interest - no interest declared


Greg Bradshaw Greg Bradshaw

Declarations of Interest - no interest declared

About me:

I have an understanding of healthcare, having trained as an EMT, NHS TD Ambulance Aid, First Aid Instructor, Pool Lifeguard and ran medical cover at nightlife events in London. I'm familiar with a corporate environment, having been a director of a small company SME's too. I served in the Red Cross, St John Ambulance, taught lifeguarding, taught primary school and worked on a soup kitchen all voluntarily.

I support the roll of governors in holding the Non-Exec Directors to account for their actions. If elected, to the best of my abilities I will work on your behalf, the staff and service users of our NHS Trust. I plan to take the option to carry out site visits as well as dealing with issues raised. 


Public Governors - Nottinghamshire County

Jim Aleander

Jim Aleander - Lead Governor

Declarations of Interest - 

  • Managing Director of Principalian Properties Ltd
  • Chair of Cruse Bereavement Support, East Midlands

About me:

I was delighted to be elected as a governor for the county area in May 2019 and became Lead Governor in 2020. My background is in the education sector, so there has been much to learn about the Trust and the world of NHS governance. This Foundation Trust provides a remarkable set of highly skilled and professional services across a range of health needs.

As a governor I believe our most important contribution is to represent patients and members to the best of our ability. The Trust gives us every opportunity to engage with services, ask questions and contribute to its plans and direction.

ln my professional life I have been a Principal of Colleges of Further Education and served as a National Leader of Governance in that sector. I have experience of contributing to governance in the education and charity services, including until recently as a trustee at Portland College, Mansfield, which serves people with disabilities. I chair the Nottinghamshire branch of Cruse, the bereavement services charity.


Sangeeta Bassi

Declarations of Interest - no interest declared Sangeeta Bassi 

About me:

I have worked within the NHS for 32 years, and worked within mental health services for 28 years, and have previously worked for the Trust as a Healthcare Scientist, supporting patients to receive safe, evidence-based, cost effective treatments and supporting their recovery. I am also the carer of a previous service user.

I feel that all of the above provides me with insight from differing perspectives, thus helping 'us' to deliver better health for everyone, better care for all, and efficient use of NHS resources.

Having worked as a pharmacist for 32 years, I bring my analytical skills, attention to detail, and experience of working collaboratively with partners to support innovation/service improvement for the benefit of patients. I am a curious individual, who is not afraid of providing meaningful challenge.



Vicky CockerillVicky Cockerill

Declarations of Interest - no interest declared







Sally Savage Sally Savage

Declarations of interest - no interest declared

About me:

I qualified as a nurse in Nottingham in 1986 and worked in health and social care until my retirement earlier this year.  I am committed to contributing to the wellbeing of my local community and feel my skills and experience could help the Trust to improve for the benefit of that community and individuals. I am particularly passionate about giving all our children and young people the best start in life, and experience has taught me that the people who know best about what would help are the young people and families themselves and the staff who work directly with them.  As a Governor I would be privileged to ensure as wide a range of views as possible influence decision making at every level. 


Jasvinder Singh Lidder Jasvinder Singh Lidder

Declarations of interest - no interest declared

About me:

With 43 years of working in the NHS, I retired as a consultant in old age Psychiatry. I have experience of the demands of the private sector, and difficulties in the current climate of successfully obtaining the necessary finances. Showing accountability, and objectivity in being open to all kinds of communications is a very delicate skill set, which I believe I have. Listening with honesty to the needs of the community involved requires a show of intregrity which at times can be difficult and somewhat frustrating on account of high level management confidentiality. By exercising informed judgement and taking into account outcomes of previous mistakes, one can show great skill for adjustment, moulding and balance to enable the safe delivery of effective realistic goals.


Nottinghamshire County

Public Governors - South Yorkshire and East Midlands

Malcolm Streets Malcolm Streets 

Declaration of Interest - no interest declared

About me:

I was a staff governor for 3 years until my team was transferred to another out of hours provider since then I have retired and am now serving as a public governor for the Trust. Now more than ever it’s important for patients and service users to have a voice and a contact to look out for their interests. 


Dan Willmott Dan Willmott

Declaration of Interest - no interest declared

About me:

I have been in public service for the majority of my adult life working in a number of managerial and technical roles. My number one aim has always been professional, open, and committed to the task however large or small.  During my life, I have lived in many different communities, this will provide me with a good understanding of the audience in the East Midland from an urban to a rural community. Look to the future, my aim is to ensure that the NHS moves forward, learns from the past both positive and negative points, take all learning points and move forward with a clear vison and openness to benefit all our communities.

I have worked in many diverse and challenging roles, with this experience over the last 35 years, I can bring this experience and knowledge of working with different and diverse communities from across the globe in challenging environments.

Public Governors - The rest of England and Wales

Gbenga Shadare

Gbenga ShadareDeclaration of Interest:

  • Director of Africa@UK Limited and African Research Alliance
  • Director 3AAG Limited

About me:

I graduated from the University of Nottingham (Masters) and completed my doctorate degree (Phd) at the University of Sheffield. My research interest includes public policy, social policy, political sociology, social work in developing contexts and welfare state theory. I am fully in support of keeping the NHS core principles and values as they are, but with significant investments that will produce innovations and improvements in critical areas.

I am extremely passionate about service excellence and innovation and this will drive me during my tenure as Governor. I hope to bring this special interest and other expertise to the Board, in the hope that it would allow me engage with others in exploring ways we can collectively improve on service user engagements and service delivery across all levels at the Trust. I hope to actively engage with the public and membership across the health region whilst I am on the board. 

With my previous executive management and leadership experience in areas as diverse as finance, banking, asset management, risk management, security printing and management consulting, I am hoping to bring these skills to my role as a governor working with other colleagues to ensure that our NHS governance is anchored on service excellence principles of transparency, quality service and commitment to optimising resources. I am currently an international development practitioner working in developing regions to help improve public health, social and educational outcomes within disadvantaged communities. 


1 vacancy - the rest of England and Wales

Staff Governors

Dr Ola Juniad Dr Ola Junaid

Constituency - Medical

Declaration of Interest - Trustee of Improving Lives Charity, Nottingham

About me:

I have worked for the Trust since 1987 in a variety of capacities including consultant psychiatrist, Clinical Director, Associate Medical Director and Chair of the SMSC. In addition I have been a Non Executive Director of the MHAC. I have experience as a clinician and as a senior manager. I am also currently a Trustee of a local charity, Improving Lives. I still have energy, enthusiasm and a determination to ensure the Trust provides the highest quality services possible and is a great place to work.


Jayne Steed Jayne Steed

Constituency - Allied Health Professionals                    

About me:

I am an Occupational Therapist and have worked for Nottinghamshire Healthcare Foundation Trust since 2002. I have held various positions within Adult Mental Health services both profession specific and generic, as a clinician and team lead, in a variety of settings. My present role is that of Occupational Therapy Professional Lead for the 11 Local Mental Health teams. As a staff member I can provide insight into the issues facing our staff and the potential impact this may have on the quality of service offered to the patients, carers, and their families. I believe my experience of working within the Trust and the changes I have witnessed will enable me to positively contribute as an AHP staff representative. AHPs offer unique and creative therapeutic interventions enabling patients, their families, and carers to live their best lives, meeting goals and aspirations they might have not thought possible. It is important that this contribution is respected and continues to be represented within the Trust.


Adam JacksonAdam Jackson

Constituency - Allied Health Professionals             





Graham Woodward

Graham Woodward Constituency - Nursing

Declaration of interest - no interest declared

About me:

Over the past 25 years I have worked as a nurse within the Trust and want to give something back by contributing my experience, skills and abilities. I am passionate about preserving the NHS, and especially Nottinghamshire Healthcare, as a force for improving the life and well-being of our community both at a local level, and the contribution we can make nationally, as a centre of learning.

I have been a Governor for 6 years, now in my third term and will continue working with the Trust Board to move the Trust forward.  I am particularly keen to help ensure that the Trust continues to focus on balancing the competing priorities and challenges it faces today, and in the future, whilst safeguarding its principal purpose of providing high quality health care to our community and the wider population.


Kirstie Tomlinson

Constituency - Nursing Kirstie Tomlinson 

Declaration of interest - no interest declared

About me:

I am passionate in representing the nursing voice in this role. I started working as a healthcare assistant in the NHS 30 years ago, and now work as a mental health nurse and Advanced Clinical Practitioner in inpatient services, working with people with dementia.

I have worked in Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust since 2001 and my experiences working in many different services, with different professional groups, have enabled me to develop insights into the needs of people who use our services and the issues important to staff members I am committed to honest and open communication to support the Trust with future planning. 

Chinedu OkoroChinedu Okoro

Declaration of interest: no interest declared

Constituency - Clinical Support





Oluwole Orenuga  Oluwolw Orenuga

Constituency - Clinical Support

Declaration of interest: no interest declared

About me:

I would describe myself as a hard-working driven person who thrives at the chance of growing while learning new skills. Providing excellent communication and interpersonal skills comes naturally to me through my NHS experience. I have 12 years experience of working in care homes and hospitals both private and public sector in the United Kingdom. I also bring on board my professional qualification experience (BSc) Business Education, (MSc) Human Resource Management. Being able to stay calm under pressure, listening, understanding and empathy have helped me to resolve work related tasks. My enthusiasm to work allows me to plan, prioritise and ultimately complete various duties efficiently and within required time frames, with thorough attention to detail. I believe self-motivation and a teamwork aptitude are an essential part of my work and personal ethic. I am a sociable and outgoing person who enjoys supporting colleagues and sharing ideas.


Jordan Duke Image of Jordan Duke 

Constituency - Non-Clinical Staff

Declaration of interest: no interest declared

About me:

I am passionate about speaking up and hearing the voices of everyone, including staff, patients and carers. As the Communications and Marketing lead for the Staff LGBT+ Network I'm passionate about Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. I will ensure that their is fair representation across the Trust, and that concerns can confidently be raised or challenged to our leaders. I believe that everyone should have a voice and equal say in developments around the organisation and I will seek assurances between non-clinical staff and the Board, fairly, to ensure our diverse workforce is heard.

Having worked across a number of different areas I have built great working relationships across the organisation. I feel this has provided me with skills in understanding and representing a range of people's views and concerns and puts me in a great position to advocate their views effectively to senior leaders.

Partner Governors

Councillor Bethan EddyBethan Eddy

Councillor for Warsop

Declarations of interest: None

Class - Nottinghamshire County Council




Councillor Jay Hayes  

Councillor for Bestwood Jay Hayes

Declarations on interest - None

Class - Nottingham City Council





Karla Capstick 

Declarations of interest - Karla Capstick

  • Director of Small Steps Big Changes (employed by Nottingham CityCare Partnership) - commissioner of speech and language services from NHCFT for Nottingham City (from 2018 to present) 
  • Chair of the ICB Strategic  Coproduction Group (joint funder for the ICB coproduction team) (from 2022 to present) 

Class - Healthwatch







Class - Universities


Class - Third Sector Organisation







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