The Language lead role
Nationally it is recognised that speech, language and communication skills are required for every child to reach their potential, particularly in terms of their attainment and their social & emotional wellbeing. To support this agenda Nottinghamshire is committed to encouraging practitioners to develop additional skills in relation to speech, language and communication (SLC). These enhanced practitioners are known as language leads.
Language leads need to have a passion for driving forward crucial messages around SLC. They need to have the enthusiasm and determination to ensure that SLC is considered in all planning, delivery and evaluation of services for children and families within their care.
Everything you need to know about becoming a language lead can be found in the document below, 'The language lead role: a guide for practitioners'
There is a supplementary guide for owners and managers wishing to support a member of staff in the language lead role, The language lead role: a guide for managers.
Language Lead Network
This term's Language Lead Network will be focused around Speech Sound Development.
We will aim to look at typical speech sound development and consider the difference between speech sound delay and disorder. The group will discuss strategies and activities to help children's speech sounds and think about when and how to refer children to SLT for help with speech sound difficulties.
The session will also include:
- Local / National updates
- Signs and Symbols- Spring/ Easter
- Completion of action plans for next term
Dates for spring term
- Keyworth Primary Care Centre, Tuesday 4 March 2025, 1pm to 3:30pm - Click here to join
- Mansfield Woodhouse Family Hub, Wednesday 5 March 2025, 1pm to 3:30pm - Click here to join
- Manton Family Hub (Bassetlaw), Monday 10 March 2025, 1.30pm to 4pm - Click here to join
- Hucknall Family Hub, Monday 17 March 2025, 1pm to 3:30pm - Click here to join
- Newark Family Hub, Tuesday 18 March 2025, 1pm to 3:30pm - Click here to join
- Killisick Family Hub, Mon, 31 March 2025, 1pm to 3:30pm - Click here to join
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