SLT Training

We are excited to be developing our training offer and are hosting a range of online and in-person events over the year.

Find out more about our different training packages:

Arrow Talking Matters

Arrow Communication for all

Arrow Teacher Talk (TM) Training A: Encouraging Language Development in Early Childhood Settings

Arrow Communication Partners: Using aided language boards in settings

Arrow Inset Day / Twilight Sessions



Talking Matters

This free course is aimed at practitioners who work with children under the age of 5.

Practitioners will learn about:

  • The latest research into the importance of SLC.
  • Typical stages of language development.
  • How to identify and support children with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN).

Talking Matters Training dates (all sessions are completed on MS Teams):


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Communication for all

Completed over 2 sessions, this fun and practical course:

  • Teaches participants a small number of useful Makaton signs.
  • Supports practitioners to understand how to use signs and symbols in their settings.
  • Considers how physical environments impact on children's communication skills.
  • Supports practitioners to audit environments and set actions to raise standards of practice.

Communication for All training dates:

Ashfield Community Hospital - Click here to book your place

  • Session 1: Wednesday 26 March 2025, 10am to 12pm
  • Session 2: Wednesday 9 April 2025, 10am to 12pm


Children's Development Centre, City Hospital Campus - Click here to book your place

  • Session 1: Wednesday 24 September 2025, 10am to 12pm
  • Session 2: Wednesday 8 October 2025, 10am to 12pm


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Teacher Talk (TM) Training A: Encouraging Language Development in Early Childhood Settings

This course is written by The Hanen Program ® for Early Childhood Educators/Teachers and id delivered by Hanen trained Speech and Language Therapists.

Completed over 3 sessions (7.5 hours of teaching), this practical course supports participants to build upon their interaction skills with young children. Practitioners are all provided with their own workbook that accompanies the training.

Practitioners will learn to:

  • Identify children's conversational styles. 
  • Understand the role that adults play when interacting with children.
  • Understand and implement strategies when following the child's lead.
  • Help children become better conversation partners by using appropriate questions, comments and turn-taking cues.
  • Use five important steps to ensure that no child is left out of the interaction during group activities.

Click here for more information about Teacher Talk.


Hyson Green Family Hub, The Mary Potter Centre - Click here to book your place

  • Session 1: Tuesday 24 June 2025, 9:30am to 12pm (Session 1)
  • Session 2:Tuesday 8 July 2025, 9:30am to 12pm (Session 2)
  • Session 3: Tuesday 22 July 2025, 9:30am to 12pm (Session 3)


Warsop Primary Care Centre - Click here to book your place

  • Session 1: Monday 3 November 2025, 1pm to 3:30pm
  • Session 2: Monday 17 November 2025, 1pm to 3:30pm
  • Session 3: Monday 1 December 2025, 1pm to 3:30pm


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Communication Partners: Using aided language boards in settings

This practical course is delivered by Speech and Language Therapists and is designed to support educational professionals to use aided language boards within their school / early years setting.

Participants will be given free access to a range of aided language boards to print and use in their setting.

The course is delivered over 2 sessions: 

  • Session 1: Face to face teaching - 3 hours
  • Session 2: MS Teams troubleshooting session - 90 minutes (4-6 weeks after the face to face training)

By the end of the training, participants will be able to:

  • Describe what aided language is and how it can help children to develop their language and communication skills
  • Understand and use the strategies to support aided language in your setting
  • Take away practical ideas for modelling in your setting
  • Acknowledge the barriers that might stop your children from using symbols and communicating
  • Discuss successes, barriers and get advice from a Speech and Language Therapist via an online troubleshooting session 4-6 weeks after the face to face training


Conference Room, Highbury Hospital - Click here to book your place

  • Session 1: Tuesday 10 June 2025, 9:30am to 12:30pm 
  • Session 2: Tuesday 15 July 2025, 9:30am to 11am (on MS Teams) 


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Inset and Twilight Training

We can offer the above training packages as inset day or twilight training sessions. We are also keen to develop and extend the range of training packages we offer.

If you require a particular training that is not listed, please do contact us at to discuss your training needs.


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