Bassetlaw Home Oxygen Service

The Bassetlaw Home Oxygen Service is a community-based service based in Bassetlaw. It supports adults who need oxygen assessment and ongoing oxygen therapy.

The service is available Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm excluding bank holidays and is a single person service.

The service contact is via Single Point of Referral at Retford Hospital 01777 274400.

Accessing our service

Patients MUST be registered with a Bassetlaw GP to be referred to the service. Referral is by a clinician only following clinical assessment, and as per the referral criteria.

 Referral is via e-referral.

Information for health professionals

The Home Oxygen Service:

  • Is a clinical assessment service for patients who are clinically stable but hypoxic.
  • Is NOT an urgent service.
  • Does not prescribe *palliative oxygen. If a patient needs palliative oxygen, it is the clinician who assesses them who will have to prescribe the palliative oxygen.
  • If the patient is urgent or palliative, please do not refer to this service.
  • Provides training to clinicians as required.

*The term ‘palliative oxygen therapy’ (POT) refers to the use of oxygen to relieve the sensation of refractory persistent breathlessness in advanced disease or life-limiting illness irrespective of underlying pathology where all reversible causes have been or are being treated optimally.


The service provides:

  • Clinical assessment, including capillary blood gases, to see if a patient would benefit from supplementary oxygen.
  • Risk assessment to make sure that supplementary oxygen is prescribed and used safely.
  • Ongoing support and reviews for all patients who need supplementary oxygen.

Referrals should be made by a clinician who has determined that the patient has ALL medical conditions stable.

Oxygen saturations must be 92% or below on room air test for at least 10 minutes. 

For any clinical queries regarding a referral can be made via Singla Point of Referral on 01777 274400.


Clinical lead

Wendy Bradford MSc,EN(G),RN,Queen’s Nurse



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