Make a freedom of information request

Before submitting a new freedom of information request, please click here to check our FOI disclosure log where you may find the information you require has been previously published.

In order for a request to be valid it must:

  1. Be in writing
  2. Provide a name and address for correspondence
  3. Provide a reasonable description of the information requested

Before you send your request:

  1. Check our publication scheme to see if the information you are requesting is already in the public domain.
  2. Look through previous requests located under our disclosure log. Your request for information may have already been answered.
  3. Ensure your request is concise with clearly formulated questions. If we are unclear what you are asking, we will contact you for further clarification which can delay the process.

You can submit your request via our online form or send it directly to


Subject access request

Freedom of information requests are for information about the Trust. If you want to request personal information, such as patient records, please make a subject access request.



If you have made a Freedom of Information request we would like to hear about your experience. You can complete our survey here 754KB.


Please read the full privacy statement for our FOI request form.

Request information form

Note: Questions marked by * are mandatory

Before you complete this form, have you checked if the Trust Publication Scheme already holds the information you are requesting? Please also check previous responses in our disclosure log. If your request is for personal information, such as patient records, you need to make a subject access request. You can find links to subject access and the disclosure log on the right hand side of this page.




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