Publication scheme
The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act requires every public authority to have a publication scheme in whch they routinely make information available to the public.
The menus below represent the different classes of information. We provide the required information on this page, a link to where the information is held on our website, a direct download to the information or an explanation of why it is not available.
In this section:
The services we offer
Who we are and what we do
Who we work with
What we spend and how we spend it
What are our priorities and how are we doing
How we make decisions
Policies and procedures
List and registers
The services we offer
Information about the services we offer, including leaflets, guidance and newsletters.
- About us
- A-Z of our clinical services
- Patient information leaflets
- Queries, comments, concerns and complaints
Who we are and what we do
This section provides information about our organisation, its structure and its Board of Directors.
How we fit into the NHS structure
We are an integrated healthcare organisation which provides a range of mental health and community services across the population of Nottingham and Nottinghamshire and wider. We also provide National High Secure Services from Rampton Hospital including the national deaf service and national service for high secure care of women. Within the Trust's portfolio of care we also provide a range of healthcare services within prisons in Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire and Lincolnshire.
Our organisational structure
Who we work with
We work in partnership with a range of organisations across the NHS and local government. We also work closely with other bodies including the voluntary sector. As a foundation trust we are locally accountable to our patients, staff and communities through our membership.
Our Governors
Clinical Commissiong Group
Clinical Commissiong Groups (CCGs) are groups of GPs responsible for designing local health services.
Local and regional councils
Other local agencies and services
Universities, research and other local education establishments
Regional services
National organisations and regulators
- Care Quality Commission
- Department of Health and Social Care
- NHS Resolution
- National Patient Safety Agency
- Audit Commission (Now closed)
- NHS England and Improvement
- Public Health England
Armed forces
What we spend and how we spend it
Monthly Financial Reports
The Trust Board receives a Finance Report on a monthly basis. Reports are contained within Board Meeting information - Trust Board and Meetings.
Income and expenditure
A summary of our annual income and expenditure and our annual statement of accounts is recorded in our Annual Reports.
Salaries and payments
The following items are reported within the Trust's Annual Reports:
- Board members' and Governors' expenses
- Board members' remuneration
- The 'pay multiple' - the ratio between the highest paid salary and the median salary of the whole Trust's workforce
Allowances and expenses
Allowances and expenses paid to individual Board members and Governors are included in the Trust's Annual Reports.
Allowances and expenses that can be incurred or claimed by Trust employees are in line with standard NHS contracts.
These contracts can be found on the NHS Employers website.
Tendering and procurement
- Tenders awarded over £30,000 (please contact for more information)
- Tenders over £100,000 are advertised on the Official Journal of the Eurpoean Union OJEU
- Procurement and tendering procedures are contained within our Standing Orders
The Procurement Department is responsible for the purchase of all goods and services (excluding drugs) for the organisation.
Its aim is to provide value for money, delivering products and services that are of a high quality, conform to environmental and sustainability criteria, support equality and diversity and, most importantly, meet the needs of our customers and patients.
We are governed by Trust Standing Orders and by Government and European rules on procurement as well as our own ethics code.
Our staff are highly trained and many hold professional qualifications in purchasing.
The team is led by the Head of Procurement
John Williams
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust
200 Lichfield Lane
NG18 4RG
Tel: 01623 784880
What our priorities are and how are we doing
This section provides information on our strategies and plans, performance indicators, audits, inspections and reviews.
- Performance reports can be found within the monthly Trust Board Papers available in our Trust Board and Meetings pages.
- Key Performance Indicators can be found within the Performance Reports submitted to the Board and also within our Annual Reports
- Information Governance - View the Trust's national Information Governance score - select the 'just browsing' link on the website to view the national information governance scores. More information on Information Governance can be found on the Connecting for Health website.
- Trust-wide Policy on the Reporting of Accidents, Untoward Incidents and Near Miss Situations. See policy: 15.01 (Issue 13) Reporting Accidents and Incidents.pdf.
- Risk Management Policy. See policy: 18.14 (Issue 1) Risk Management.pdf
The Trust's Integrated Business Plans (IBPs)
- Please contact for more information.
- See also information within our Trust Board papers available here - Trust Board and Meetings
Organisation-wide strategies
- Please contact for more information.
Annual Report and Quality Report
- Annual Reports including the Involvement Report, and Risk Management Reports can be found here - Annual Reports
- Quality Report 20-21.pdf [pdf] 1MB
Sustainable Development Management Plan
The Trust's Sustainable Development Management Plan clarifies our objectives on sustainable development and sets out an action plan. It was approved by the Trust Board in June 2018.
Environmental statement
Reports / assessments and independent enquiries
All of the following reports are available on request if not linked to directly.
- Care Quality Commission (CQC) Reports
- Trust's score from the the CQC's Annual health-check
- Top 100 Employers in Stonewall's 2015 Workplace Equality Index
- National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) Reports
- Annual Complaints Report can be found in our Annual Reports
Policies and workforce strategy
Job opportunities
All of the current job vacancies within the Trust are advertised here: Jobs.
Please note, all of our temporary nursing requirements are dealt with through NHS Professionals
Continuing professional development
Please see our training course prospectus for Trust staff which provides information on essential mandatory training, therapeutic skills, skills for work and life and leadership and management development. These can be found in our staff recruitment website.
How we make decisions
This section provides information on decision-making processes and records of decisions.
Our main decision-making processes and systems include:
- Board of Directors and its sub-committees
- Executive Team. A weekly meeting consisting of the Trust's Executive Directors
- Standing Financial Instructions [pdf] 423KB and Scheme of Reservation and Delegation of Powers [pdf] 193KB
- Trust-wide Policies and Procedures
- Integrated Business Plans - including various Trust-wide Strategy documents.
- Trust Involvement Strategy. Further information on public involvement and constutation can be found on the Involvement pages of this site
- Risk Management 2021 to 2026 - Strategy on a Page
- Council of Governors
- Public consultations
Board of Directors and sub-committee information
- Board of Directors Papers (includes agendas, minutes and supporting papers)
- Summaries from sub-committees of the Board of Directors are contained within the Board of Directors Papers. View the sub-committee summaries.
- View the minutes and information from our Council of Governors.
Policies and procedures
The Trustwide policies are broken down into 19 sections. You can access all of our policies and procedures here.
List and registers
Asset register / Information asset register
We are unable to provide our Asset Registers and Information Asset Register for routine release given the diverse nature of the Trust's estate and the level of detail contained within the Trust's Fixed Asset Register.
Declarations of Interest, Gifts, Hospitality and Sponsorship registers
- 2014 Gifts, Hospitality and Commercial Sponsorship Report pdf[pdf] 119KB
- 2015 Gifts, Hospitality and Commercial Sponsorship Report.pdf[pdf] 82KB
- 2016 Gifts, Hospitality & Sponsorship Declarations.pdf[pdf] 65KB
- 2017 Gifts, Hospitality & Sponsorship.pdf[pdf] 61KB
- 2018 Gifts, Hospitality & Sponsorship Declarations.pdf[pdf] 56K
- Annual Declarations of Interests register 2019-20.pdf [pdf] 264KB
- 2020-21 Annual Declarations of Interest.pdf [pdf] 82KB