Community Stroke - South Nottingham County

We provide specialist rehabilitation to patients over 18 for the first 12 months following a stroke. Our service covers South Nottingham County, covering Rushcliffe, North West and North East Nottingham. We aim to support people to facilitate an early discharge from hospital and to meet their ongoing needs.

Our team includes:

  • Physiotherapists
  • Occupational therapists
  • Speech and language therapists
  • Psychology staff

We work together with patients, their families and carers in order to maximise their rehabilitation, meet their goals and provide support and advice for ongoing lifestyle management.

Our service also offers long term reviews at 6 and 12 months. This gives service users the opportunity to access further input or to be signposted to other services, which may help them further recover post-stroke or meet their quality of life needs.

We aim to support patients to achieve their quality of life and lifestyle goals, and to continue to enjoy hobbies and activities. We also liaise with employers in helping patients return to work after a stroke when needed.


Watch our Service Showcase and meet the team


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Contact us

Tel: 0115 844 0523

Please note, this service does not accept telephone referrals.

Help in a crisis

If you suspect someone is having a stroke then please dial 999.

Support groups

Information for health professionals

How to refer someone to this service

Referrals to this service should be made via email to: 

For further assistance call 0115 844 0523. Please note, this service does not accept telephone referrals. 


Service Lead

Claire Lee
Community Stroke Team Lead


Head of service

Sarah McCartney
Head of Service, Specialist Teams


Planned and Proactive Care Unit


Service commissioned by NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICS



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