Families and carers

Welcome to Families and carers. You have probably come to this page because you are looking for helpful information. You will be giving unpaid practical and emotional support to a person who receives services from our Trust. You may be a partner, friend, relative or neighbour or a young carer under the age of 18, providing support to a parent, brother or sister, grandparent or other relative or friend.

If you are a carer, family member or friend of a patient at Rampton Hospital, look at the Family and Carer Support pages of this site for information developed specifically for you.



How we work with you

Involvement, Experience and Volunteering


  • Support available for carers
  • What is the Triangle of Care?
  • Resources available (including video's)
  • How to get involved to improve our services
  • Information for colleagues

For futher assistance contact involve@nottshc.nhs.uk

IEV Logo

Research and Evidence

Patients and Public

  • What research is and why it's important?
  • What is it like taking part in research?
  • Involvement in research
  • Find a research study you can participate in.

For futher assistance contact research@nottshc.nhs.uk

Research and Evidence Logo

The Family Interventions Team

The Family Interventions Team works in adult mental health services. The team provides training and supports staff to work with families.

The family work we support is called behavioural family therapy. This has been found to reduce stress within families and can help to reduce relapse in service users. It supports people to move forward, working together to increase understanding, build coping strategies, communication and problem solving skills.

If you have any questions, read our frequently asked questions about behavioural family therapy [pdf] 47KB.

If you have any further queries, please contact the Family Interventions Team via Email: bftenquiries@nottshc.nhs.uk 

Support groups

Carer groups

Visit the Nottinghamshire Carers Hub or the Carers Federation for details of support groups and see below.


Caring with Confidence

Caring with Confidence is a series of free workshops for City carers, run by the Carers Federation. The course aims to provide carers with up to date relevant information and support carers to learn new skills and improve existing knowledge to make life a little easier.

To find out more or to book a place on an upcoming workshop in your area, please visit the Carers Federation website or call Carla on 0115 9629 369.



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