We aim to make this website as user-friendly as possible, ensuring it is accessible to everyone and to present information in a simple and clear way. However, we recognise that certain parts of our website, including some documents, may not yet be fully accessible to users of certain assistive technologies. Contact communications@nottshc.nhs.uk if you need any of the information on this page in a more accessible format. Click here to read our Accessibility Statement.

Useful links and external services

Recap Health

Recap Health is website developed by Nottinghamshire Healthcare which enables health and social care workers working with the Trust to send digital information for health, wellbeing and recovery. Patients, carers or professional supporters (e.g. school/care home staff) connected to Nottinghamshire Healthcare can register online.

An account set up by your healthcare professional is required before you can access Recap Health.

Click here to access your Recap health account.

If you do not have a Recap health account, please ask your healthcare professional to set up an account on your behalf.


Notts Help Yourself

Notts Help Yourself provides information about a whole range of organisations and services including activities, groups and events in your local community, childcare providers, support for children and young people aged 0 - 25 with a special educational need and/or a disability, health and social care information and support for adults and children, and workplace health schemes.


Tiny Happy People

Tiny Happy People is a BBC website to help you develop your child's communication skills, with simple activities and play ideas.


Health for...

Each of the below links feature a Nottinghamshire section with specialist support, local news / events and help finding a service.

Contact details as well as details of the Healthy Family Teams can also be found.

Health for Under 5s

Covers early years settings. It provides extra details and resources to help with the health and well-being of children in your care.

Health for Kids

Helps give your child the best possible start in life. It has health advice to help your children grow and flourish.

Health for Teens

An easy way for young people aged 11-19 to learn about their health. It has details on lots of physical and emotional health topics for teenagers.

External organisations offering various help and support

ABL (A Better Life) offering the Your Health Your Way service supports weight loss for children and families and smoking cessation.

BEAT eating disorders helpline is a national helpline to encourage and empower people to get help quickly for eating disorders.

Be U Notts provides early mental health and emotional wellbeing support for children and young people in Nottinghamshire.

C Card Nottinghamshire is a free condom and sexual health advice service for young people aged up to 25. Young people can get condoms, lubricants and advice on sex, STIs and relationships.

CASY (Counselling and Support for Young People) is a confidential counselling service for children and young people in Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire.

Change4Life provides help for families to eat well, move more and live longer.

CGL (Change Grow Live) offers advice and support covering alcohol, drugs, health and wellbeing, mental health support and stopping smoking.

Family Lives is a charity helping parents to deal with the changes that are a constant part of family life.

Insight Healthcare offers free talking therapies for people feeling low, anxious, stressed or unable to cope.

Mermaids provides family and individual support for gender diverse and transgender children and young people.

My-Sexual-Health offers free and confidential sexual health screening, treatment, information and advice for mid-Nottinghamshire, including Mansfield, Ashfield and Newark.

NottAlone offers local mental health advice, help and support for people aged under 25, parents and carers, and professionals who work with and support young people in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.

Nottinghamshire Women's Aid provides a safe environment for women/girls experiencing domestic abuse.

Small Steps Service Nottinghamshire gives early support to families of children and young people displaying behaviours that cause concern or challenge including those where there is no formal diagnosis of ASD or ADHD, but where behaviours may be indicative or characteristic of these conditions. Also, for families of children and young people diagnosed with ASD and/or ADHD.

Spectrum WASP (We Are Special People) is a support group for parents with children/young people with special and additional needs.

TriHealth Bassetlaw offers contraception and sexual health services for Worksop and Retford.

We R Here gives free counselling and support for anyone who has had a traumatic life experience.

Young Minds provides support for children and young people's mental health, as well as help for parents and carers.

Winston's Wish is a charity supporting children and young people who experience bereavement.

Better Health provides a leaflet giving top tips to keep your family healthy and happy, you can view it here: 

Best Start for Life offer is a guide to local support and services taking you from early pregnancy until your baby is two years old. You can view it here:


Printable resources

Our Healthy Family Teams have produced the below resources to help with anger management:



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