Board of Directors and meetings

We are a public organisation and as such we are accountable to the people we serve.

Our Board of Directors is made up of a Chair, a Chief Executive, Non-Executive Directors, and Executive Directors.

Their role is to:

  • agree and set the strategic direction of the Trust
  • regularly monitor our performance against national standards
  • ensure we provide the best possible services which offer the people of Nottinghamshire best value for money
  • actively ensure we communicate with the people we serve

The Trust maintains a public register of interests, gifts, hospitality, and sponsorship for its staff, thus providing transparency and accountability in compliance with the latest NHS England guidance. You can view the Declarations of Interests Register by visiting the Declarations web page.


Other information you may find useful:

2024/25 Board meetings

Meetings during 2024/25 will be held in The Conference Room, Highbury Hospital, Highbury Road, Nottingham, NG6 9DR.  To submit any questions for the Board or register to attend to observe the meeting, please email

Please note this is a meeting held in public and not a ‘public meeting’ therefore questions cannot be asked live at the meeting and need to be submitted in advance.


All Board meetings start at 9.30am. Please arrive by 9.15am in order to be seated before the meeting.  Meeting dates:

  • 25 July 2024
  • 26 September 2024
  • 28 November 2024
  • 30 January 2025
  • 27 March 2025

Latest key messages from the Board videos

Board of Directors Meeting Key Messages - 30 May 2024



Previous meetings 



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