Virtual courses

Over the course of a year all of the Recovery College courses will be available. This is subject to demand and class size.

All these courses are held via MS Teams.


In this section:

Arrow Emotional Resilience

Arrow Hold That Thought

Arrow Living Well with Anxiety

Arrow Living Well with Depression



Emotional Resilience

This course hopes to build your emotional resilience to help you feel more confident to manage everyday pressures enabling you to roll with it to increase your bounce-back ability . This course explores: what emotional resilience is; self-awareness and how to build it; values and beliefs - how they can help us be resilient; purposefulness - and how it links with resilience; empathy and self-compassion; self-esteem, self-confidence and self-reliance; strategies to manage stressors; adaptability and its benefits.

  • Every Wednesday, 23 April to 4 June 2025, 1pm to 3pm - 6 sessions

When we receive your expression of interest to enrol via the online form or call on 0115 956 0827, we will check your eligibility.


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Hold That Thought

What is a thought? We all think differently and are all affected differently by our thoughts, but just how much do our thoughts affect our lives? This course explores: the negative and positive impacts our thoughts and beliefs can have on us; the most common unhelpful thinking patterns; techniques to re-frame these thoughts; language and the impact of positive and negative words; positive psychology and why it is helpful for wellbeing; taking your thoughts to court and ABC techniques; the benefits of optimism/hope, gratitude and positive self-talk.

  • Every Wednesday, 18 June to 23 July 2025, 1pm to 3pm - 6 sessions

When we receive your expression of interest to enrol via the online form or call on 0115 956 0827, we will check your eligibility.


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Living Well with Anxiety

This course is run in partnership with Nottingham College.

If you feel anxious and want to look at how anxiety affects the mind and body, how to change anxious thinking cycles and relax more effectively, as well as suggestions on how to deal with feelings of anxiety then this course could be for you. The course explores: what we mean by anxiety; the anxiety cycle; how thoughts and responses might impact our anxiety; techniques and coping strategies for self-management to improve wellbeing.

  • Every Tuesday, 22 April to 3 June 2025, 1pm to 3pm - 6 sessions

When we receive your expression of interest to enrol via the online form or call on 0115 956 0827, we will check your eligibility.


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Living Well with Depression

This course is run in partnership with Nottingham College.

During this course we will understand what depression is and how it affects us. The course explores: how lifestyle and physical exercise affects depression; early warning signs and strategies that will enable you to improve your wellbeing; how different styles of motivation help to manage depression; how managing thoughts can be helpful to improve our wellbeing. The course is not about stopping depression but about strategies to allow you to self manage to gain some control in your life and identify sources of support.

  • Every Wednesday, 16 June to 21 July 2025, 1pm to 3pm - 6 sessions

The recovery college has provided structure and routine to my week and has given me something to focus on after my hospital admission. All the tutors are kind and understanding, and their own lived experiences really enhances their teaching.

When we receive your expression of interest to enrol via the online form or call on 0115 956 0827, we will check your eligibility.


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