Male Intellectual Disability Service
Lister ward
Lister ward is a 14 bedded Low Secure Forensic Inpatient setting that provides contemporary healthcare for adult males with a diagnosis of Intellectual Disability (ID), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Personality Disorder (PD) as well as additional mental health conditions.
The service has been recognised for it’s excellent care and recently received a silver award from the Trust’s quality team.
Our goal is successfully discharging patients to the community, maximising their independence and reducing risks through a model of Trauma Informed Care.
The environment at Lister ward is specifically designed to meet the needs of those whose behaviour can challenge, and provides a place of safety and security within a quiet and low arousal environment.
Our vision
To achieve our vision the Lister ward team all work together to fully embrace the Nottinghamshire Healthcare Trust values of Trust, Honesty, Respect, Compassion and Teamwork. Our aim is to offer services which are accessible to everyone whilst respecting individual needs including ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion, and disability.
Our commitment therefore is to ensure that all our staff members have a clear understanding of their role, responsibilities, and accountability. We ensure they receive appropriate training, understand our keen focus on attendance, participate in regular appraisals and performance management processes and are given every opportunity to engage with the ward community. Our expectations of our employees are that they will continually strive to maintain the highest possible standards of care and services through being flexible in the way they approach their work.