This session aims to make carers confident in the care and management of a child or young person with a tracheostomy. It focuses on basic tracheostomy and stoma care and maintenance of the airway, recognising when an individual requires suctioning and routine replacement of the tracheostomy device and how to insert a new device if required in an emergency.
The session is child specific, and the skill is non-transferable. There must be a care plan in place for tracheostomy care and suction.
There are a minimum of two competency assessments required for this training. Learners are not deemed competent until they have completed both theory and practical elements. Competency assessments need to be booked at the learner’s venue with the child or young person present in order for the nurse assessors to observe the learner using the tracheostomy. Competency assessments must be completed within three months of theory training.
Once competency assessments have been passed, the learner is considered competent to care ONLY for that child they have been trained on.
Please note: If the child / young person is cared for by the Long-Term Ventilation Team, then additional training should be sought from them or another provider.
For guidance how to book this training session please visit our training information page.
A variety of teaching and learning strategies will be facilitated during the theory sessions to include presentations, question and answer sessions, and practical demonstrations.
Anyone caring for a child or young person in the community setting with a tracheostomy.
An annual update with one competency assessment.