Children’s Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy
The service provides Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy assessment and treatment for children and young people who have a disability or long term health condition affecting their movement, co-ordination or ability to engage in activities of daily living.
We provide equipment and therapy programs to help meet the childrens’ /young persons needs and work closely with parents and carers and other services involved with the child to provide effective care.
Accessing our service
Please contact one of the teams using the details below. Both sites have disabled access and there is disabled parking on site.
Service opening hours
Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5.00pm
Contact and find us
Child Development Centre
City Hospital
Hucknall Road
Tel: 0300 123 3387 (Option 3)
Children's Therapy Centre
Kings Mill Hospital
NG17 4JL
Tel: 0300 123 3387 (Option 3)
Information for health professionals
How to refer someone to this service
Referrals are accepted in writing from paediatricians, consultants or a therapist if the child has a named paediatrician.
Service commissioned by
County Commissioners and City Commissioners.