Arnold Lodge
Arnold Lodge provides medium secure inpatient services for adults, including older people, with mental illness and/or personality disorder.
Our services include:
- Male Mental Illness Service: admission, assessment, continuing care and rehabilitation.
- Male Personality Disorder Services: a treatment programme for patients from prison and high secure services.
- Women's Services: standard and enhanced medium secure services. (National WEMSS service).
Arnold Lodge is one of nine providers across the East Midlands who are working in new ways through a project known as Improved Pathways and Community Teams (IMPACT). Each organisation has committed to an agreed set of values which emphasise hope, openness and honesty, a person-centred approach, empowerment and opportunity, and collaboration, as well as safety and least restriction principles.
Arnold Lodge is a member of the Quality Network for Forensic Mental Health Service. The latest aggregated report 2017 to 2019 ranks us as the third highest scoring Medium Secure Unit in the country. 60 medium secure mental health services from across the UK and Ireland participated in the latest cycle 12.
We are proud that our workforce is well trained, with our mandatory training statistics 95 - 97% for 2019. We actively encourage our staff to develop their skills and knowledge through comprehensive and supportive supervision, which links to continued professional development. For example, we support our healthcare assistants to complete their nurse training.
We aspire to providing an inclusive and outstanding service by improving our engagement with patients, carers and staff, based on least restrictive practice and quality improvements.
You will only be admitted to Arnold Lodge if you are referred by a professional.
Referrals come from:
- courts
- prisons
- secure hospitals
- general mental health services
- independent sector hospitals
Arnold Lodge
Cordelia Close
Tel: 0116 207 7700
Every ward team has a qualified social worker who acts as a contact point for family and carers of our service users. We will work to co-opt expertise and lived experiences from family and carers to support the recovery of our service users.
When service users withdraw their consent for us to share their information with family and carers, we are still happy to be contacted. In circumstances such as these, we are unable to share individualized clinical information, but we will continue to provide general information about the care we provide in hospital, as well as education about mental ill-health and recovery.
You will need to phone us on 0116 207 7700 to arrange to visit. All relevant information will then be provided.
Professional and social visitors must provide photo ID and will require registration on the visitors' database.
Due to the secure environment of Arnold Lodge and the need to maintain the safety of everyone, certain items will not be allowed into the clinical area.
Lockers are available in the reception foyer to hold any restricted items; for example, mobile phones, cigarettes and lighters.
Tel: 0116 207 7700
How to refer someone to this service
Contact Dr Nicholas Taylor at:
Arnold Lodge
Cordelia Close
Lead clinician
Dr Rebecca O’Donovan
General Manager
Natasha Garraway-Charles
Service commissioned by Midlands and East (East Midlands Hub).