two adults and a child laying on the grass

Annual Health Checks and Health Action Plan - Video

Please ask for more information at your GP surgery or click here to find out more.

Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and other organisations have Nurses working in G.P practices and Acute Hospitals to support young people and adults in these settings. Please click the links below to find out more.



Information for Parents

When a young person reaches 16 years old, a legal process called the Mental Capacity Act will be followed by Health and Social care professionals when big decisions need to be made. You will still be included in the decision-making process. It is important for families to know about this change.

Please look at the following information:



Looking after yourself

Being a carer for a family member can be stressful. Here is some information and links to help yourself to stay well and get support when you need it.

If you want to know more about Preparing for Adulthood or “Transition” within the Childrens and Young People Specialist Service, please talk to someone in the healthcare team working with you.



All About Me!

Nottingham City and County Services are using a standard “All About Me” plan for patients and carers to take to health appointments.

This tells professionals lots of Information about a person, so you don’t need to keep telling different professionals the same Information.

It also can help make your care more personalised for you. The “All about Me” plans can be printed out and filled in, or downloaded onto a phone or device.

For more information please see About me - NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB



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