PFA and Transition - What is it?
In this section:
Preparing for Adulthood (PFA)
Transition to Adult Health Services
Why is Preparing for Adulthood and Transition important?
Useful links and information
Preparing for Adulthood (PFA)
When you have started secondary school, it is a good time to think about the skills and knowledge you might need around accessing adult health services.
14 years old might seem too early to think about this, but it is important to have time to read information, learn about health conditions, medications, therapy plans and thinking about how things might change in the future.
As you get older you may be asked questions and asked to make decisions about your care. Parents, carers and health professionals can still support and help you.
Not everyone will be totally independent, and some people might always want or need family members to help manage their health. This is why we want to provide information to families and carers on what they will also need to know if they advocate for a young person.
Transition to Adult Health Services
If you still see one of our nurses or therapists as you get older, you might need to move to an adult service between the ages of 16-19 years, this is called a 'Transfer' or 'Transition'.
It is essential that the care you get is appropriate for your age and needs as you grow into an adult. Adult bodies are different to children’s bodies.
Some people might need to stay in children’s services longer, depending on which team you see (19 to 25 years).
Some people may just see a nurse or therapist for a few appointments and might go back to seeing their GP for health advice.
It is important that you and your family / carers feel empowered and supported to know about these changes and be involved in planning and transfer of care to adult health services.
It is important for everyone to have this information regardless of their health condition.
Why is Preparing for Adulthood and Transition important?
When you grow into an adult you will be making decisions about your healthcare as much as you are able to. Some young people might always want or need family members to help manage their health as they become an adult.
- You may need to know where to ask for help or find out information.
- Families who support and advocate for young people will need information too.
- This will enable you to be as independent as possible in the future or support families who advocate on behalf of another person to feel confident.
Useful links and information
- Homepage - The 11to25hub - A place you and your family or carers can learn more about moving to adult health services.
- Health advice for young people moving to adult services in Bassetlaw (PDF Form) (opens in new window)
- Health advice for young people moving to adult services in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire (PDF Form) (opens in new window)
- Transition to adult services - Together for Short Lives
If you need support around Social Care Transitions, please contact the following teams:
- Nottingham City: Whole Life Disability Services | Ask Lion - Nottingham City Directory
- Nottingham County: Preparation for adulthood: support from the countywide Transitions Team | Nottinghamshire County Council
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