City Carer Support Services
We are here to support you if you care for someone who is receiving adult mental health services. Our support workers provide an opportunity for you to talk, be listened to and understood.
We understand how life changing becoming a carer is - the emotional strain, responsibility and how isolating and overwhelming it can feel.
We realise the important role carers play and we want to ensure that their experiences, concerns and opinions are shared and acknowledged.
We are recovery focused and help carers, family and friends build on their own strengths and aspirations.
We provide support to individuals and groups of carers and increase access to carers' assessments. View our leaflet here: City Carers Support Service
We work with other services and agencies to help identify carers across Nottingham City and promote carer issues.
Accessing our service
Our service is available to carers of service users registered with a GP in Nottingham City.
We receive internal referrals from other services. You can also self-refer directly to the service by contacting the team - Information on how to self-refer can be found under 'Information for health professionals'
Our site offers disabled access and free parking.
Carers' group
We run a carers' group every second Tuesday of the month. 1.30pm to 4pm
Come and join us at:
St Judes Church
Small Hall
405 Woodborough Road
For more information, please email
Free visitors parking and on bus routes.
Service opening hours
Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm.
Information for health professionals
Referrals should be made via email to
Please can you include:
- Rio number
- Name and contact details of the carer or ensure that they are in the contacts tab of RIO
- A brief note including the carers / family member is aware of the referral and agreed to be contacted by our services.
Please note we can only take referrals for those cares whose loved one have an open referral to AMHS and have been assessed, accepted and open to the team for treatment.
Team leader
Claire Wood