Co-production workshops

Nigel Groves presentingThe programme team is holding a number of co-production workshop events to enable staff, service users, patients, families and carers to get involved with the programme and share their views, suggestions and experience.


Co-production workshop 16 January

The first workshop took place on 16 January 2019.  Read a roundup of the event[docx] 625KB


Co-production workshop 28 February

A further workshop was held on 28 February 2019.  Once again, there was a great range of attendees bringing their experience and opinions.  Presentations included an overview and introduction from the New Care Model programme team, the importance of service user experience and involvement and what peer support can offer.  There was also discussion around establishing a single point of access for referrals into the services that will come under the new model.  Everyone was also asked their thoughts and suggestions on the values that should underpin the project and a meaningful name for the East Midlands programme.  

Feedback from the day was positive with many people commenting on how useful it was to have a lot of time for discussion with service users as well as health professionals and that the mix of participants from different organisations and all with individual experience, knowledge and skills, led to a really useful conversation.  

The presentations from the event are available to download below:


Co-production workshop 24 April

Other presentations at the event:


Co-production workshop 13 June

This workshop focused on transitions through secure services.  A round-up of the day and presentations can be found below:


Co-production event 12 September 2019

This event focused on the next steps of establishing the IMPACT Provider Collaboration.  A roundup of the day and presentations can be found below:



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