As mentioned, approximately 10% of the UK population has some form of dyslexia, which means that the majority of managers will manage staff with dyslexia at some time or another. Most people who have dyslexia have developed coping strategies over time. These can often enable individuals to face and deal with difficulties more easily. Dyslexia can still however cause problems from time to time for employees, often as a result of barriers encountered in the workplace.
The Equality Act 2010 defines a disabled person as someone with ‘a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.’ Further information can be found in Appendix 1.
Employers have a duty to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ to make sure disabled staff are not put at a substantial disadvantage by employment arrangements or any physical features of the workplace.
A reasonable adjustment is a change that will make it easier for individuals to succeed at work. It must be a change that is needed because of a disability, and one which the employer can afford to make. This is based on key details such as the size of the employer. The change must not make things very difficult for the other people who work there. The law says that employers must try to make changes and must ask disabled people what changes they need. It is important to first ask the individual as they often know what works best for them.
For adjustments to be made it is important that employees disclose details of how their difficulties affect their work/working environment.
Examples of adjustments the employer may consider, in consultation with their staff, and depending on the context could include:
Adjustments can be simple and inexpensive. It is important that the employer has a willingness to be flexible. It is anticipated that the employer and employee can work together to find which adaptations will be helpful and “reasonable”.
As the severity and nature of dyslexia varies, so do the strategies that help people overcome problems in employment. Not every member of staff that discloses they have dyslexia will need an assessment. Simple changes to work practices may be sufficient to meet their needs. The majority of these may be inexpensive and uncomplicated, please refer to the section ‘Reasonable Adjustments’ for further information.
A professional assessment may be required to identify individual support needs.
Specific difficulties are often not apparent until performance is reviewed or appraised by a line manager. The appropriate course of action will depend on the individual circumstances.
If the Line Manager thinks someone may have dyslexia and it is affecting their work performance but feels that it is inappropriate to discuss their concerns directly with the person, they should discuss their concerns with their Employee Relations Advisor and/or Occupation Health to plan a way forward.
Should an employee believe they have dyslexia, and it is affecting their work, they should contact the Occupational Health Service who will provide a form for the individual to complete and send to the Dyslexia Association. The Dyslexia Association will arrange a ‘Quick Screen’ assessment which will indicate the level of difficulty an individual has.
If the results show mild dyslexia, then reasonable adjustments should be considered first. If these do not help, please discuss a workplace needs assessment with your staff member and contact the Occupational Health Service who can advise on how to make a referral to Access to Work.
Specialist advice is essential to determine the most appropriate adjustments for an individual.
This process enables the Access to Work assessor to identify job and/or training requirements that are likely to place the employee at a substantial disadvantage in relation to their peers. The assessor will consider what adjustments will assist and support the employee and provide a list of recommended equipment, software and training that will help with their specific needs. They will also provide information on how to access funding to assist with the purchase.
If a staff member has had an assessment previously it may be that it is still applicable. If the individual’s circumstances have not changed and if they still work in a similar job role, they may not require another assessment.
If there has been a vast change in circumstances, for example if the individual was a healthcare assistant and is now a trainee nursing associate (TNA) and required to complete college work, the previous assessment would not reflect the change in circumstances and role and the assessment may need to be carried out again.
When an Access to Work assessment has been completed the line manager will need to contact the IT department who will give advice on which hardware and software packages are available within the Trust.
The manager should then contact the Procurement team to obtain details of suppliers and the cost of any equipment, software and training that has been recommended.
Once the IT products have been delivered, a ticket should be logged with the ITC Self-Service Portal to arrange installation.
Important: If someone is due to start work within the next 6 weeks or has been in post for less than six weeks, Access to Work will fund 100% of any workplace adjustments that are needed, where eligible. After that time the amount of funding received reduces considerably. Any gaps in funding will be from the service budget as this is not centrally funded.
Regardless of whether or not the Trust contributed financially to equipment obtained through Access to Work funding, the organisation owns the equipment, not the individual staff member. The following principles therefore apply: