Accessing our service
You will usually need to be referred by your GP or a health professional. We will consider self-referrals, but we will need information from your GP or health professional.
Patient needs to have a Bassetlaw GP to access services.
Macmillan Nurse Service - Bassetlaw
We offer support and advice to any patient with cancer or a life-limiting illness. We also support families and carers.
Our service includes senior registered nurses and we work closely with the folowing people to ensure the highest possible quality of individual care is provided:
- GPs
- district nurses
- site-specific nurses
- a palliative care consultant
- GPs with a special interest in palliative care
- Cedar House Hospice
- adult social care
- Citizens Advice Bureau
- voluntary services
We can give information about different treatments or medications, financial benefits and emotional support and also offer:
- information following diagnosis of a life-limiting illness
- complex symptom management
- specialist psychological support
Our service to offered to adults in Bassetlaw. We help people in their own home or in a care home..
Service opening hours
Service opening hours are 7am to 9pm, all year round including weekends and bank holidays.
Contact and find us
Tel: 01777 274 422
Retford Hospital
North Road
DN22 7XF
Help in a crisis
Please contact your GP. Out of hours, dial NHS 111.
Information for health professionals
How to refer someone to this service
Referrals can be made by any Health and Social care professional who should complete a referral form and fax to Single Point of Access (SPA) on 01777 709 332.
Alternatively, telephone the referral to SPA on 01777 274 422
Referral guidance for health professionals.
Team leader
Dr Linda Potter
Service commissioned by
Bassetlaw Clinical Commissioning Group