Getting the right support
Early Intervention Speech and Language Therapy
Find out more here: Early Intervention Speech and Language Therapy
Contact Information
Ashfield Health and Wellbeing Centre
Portland Street
NG17 7AE
Home Talk is for children aged 22 months to 2 years 6 months who are not yet using many words but can listen, follow instructions, and play with adults. A Home Talk worker can offer fun home visits for children and their grown ups to share ideas about talking together. Take a look at our video, What is Home Talk? - YouTube, or our leaflet to find out more about Home Talk, or contact Language for Life on to find out if this service would benefit your child.
Specialist Children’s Speech & Language Therapy
Children’s Development Centre
City Hospital Campus
Hucknall Road
For queries please contact us on: 0300 1233387
To make a referral, complete and send our SLT referral form - 2024[docx] 81KB and SLT Referral checklist - April 2024[doc] 182KB (if you wish to print out the referral form and complete it by hand, please use this version: SLT referral form for printing.pdf[docx] 114KB).
If you are a school sending a referral, please send the referral via a password protected email to:
Small Steps Big Changes (Nottingham City)
Small Steps Big Changes (SSBC) offers free speech, language and communication support for children aged 0-4 who live in Aspley, Bulwell, Hyson Green & Arboretum and St Ann’s. For more information, and to check if you are eligible, please visit:
Speech, Language and Communication for under 4s | SSBC (
Places to find out more
- Find out what to expect for your child’s age and how you can help.
- Find out how to support children learning to speak more than one language
- Follow Language for Life on Facebook for weekly updates on ways to support your child’s speech, language and communication.
- Pop in to your Children’s Centre for advice leaflets or to chat to your local Language Lead.
Healthy Family Team
Healthy Family Teams offer advice and support around all aspects of a child’s development, including speech, language and communication. At your child’s development reviews they will ask you to tell them about your child’s language development and give you advice on how to help. They may also recommend support from the Children’s Centre, such as Home Talk, the Speech and Language Therapy team or from an early years educational placement. Find out more about Healthy Families Teams and how to contact them.
Children's Centres
For information about sessions at your local Children’s Centre visit Nottinghamshire County Council's Children's Centre web pages.
- Your local Centre runs fun activities that your family can take part in to develop your child’s language and communication e.g. Under 1’s group, Stay and Play, Talking Walks.
- Every Children’s Centre has a Language Lead who can give advice about how to develop your child’s language in everyday situations.
Little Talkers: Small group sessions with singing, play and helpful strategies to support your child on their next steps to talking. A new theme each week helps to keep your child’s interest and develop their confidence to join in. You can watch some of our songs here.
Library services
Nottinghamshire libraries offer services that support children’s early language and reading development. For example, free Bookstart packs, story sessions. Why not visit your local library? For more information visit:
Home Talk
If your child is between 2-2.5 years and may benefit from some support with their talking, they may meet the criteria for Home Talk. A Home Talk worker can offer fun home visits for children and their grown ups to share ideas about talking together. Click here to view our Home Talk leaflet or contact your local Healthy Families Team or contact us via email or or via the Speech and Language Therapy Team on 0300 1233387 for more information.