Positive star winners
Positive Stars is an opportunity for staff to nominate colleagues who have made a real difference to them, their team, patients and other colleagues. We want to shout from the rooftops about our amazing staff and volunteers and show how much they are appreciated.
We know that colleagues often go over and above to support patients, carers and each other.
This is one way to ensure that colleagues are formally recognised for the amazing work that they are doing. Examples include extraordinary care and / or compassion, introducing positive change, generating great ideas, fantastic colleague or patient engagement, being an inspiration, or anything that has made a difference.
Winners are chosen each month who then receive a certificate of recognition from our Chief Executive and have a visit by a senior leader to recognise their good work and formally present them with their certificate.
Below you can see some of the winners and find out why they deserved to win.
Hiedi Swift, Respiratory Nurse Specialist, Community Clinic Team Lead

Delivering compassionate care
Hiedi Swift, Respiratory Nurse Specialist - Community Clinic Team Lead won a Positive Star after receiving fantastic feedback from a patient's wife about her compassionate care. Over the years his condition deteriorated, and Hiedi addressed this directly with my husband and myself in such a compassionate way, with love and empathy. She has also set up the Mansfield and Ashfield Breath Easy support group. She has put in a lot of work in her own time to ensure the sessions are successful and enjoyable. Well done Hiedi!