Trust shortlisted for four Nursing Times Awards

The Trust is delighted to have been shortlisted for four Nursing Times Awards for services at Rampton Hospital.
Anne-Maria Newham, Executive Director of Nursing AHPs and Quality said:
“I am absolutely thrilled that we have been shortlisted for an amazing four Nursing Times Awards. They all focus on improving the patient experience which is absolutely key. The staff involved have done a fantastic job and thoroughly deserve this recognition. Wishing them all lots of luck for the next stage.”
In the Nursing in Mental Health category we have two teams shortlisted. The first is the National High Secure Healthcare Services for Women, Intensive Care Coral Ward Team who have been shortlisted for reducing restrictive practice and improving patient experience. The ward manger was inspired to change the patient experience on the ward to give them hope about their future and support them moving on. She embedded a "just culture" on the ward, focusing on lessons learnt to continually improve. All the patients on the ward now feel empowered and valued, and there has been a significant reduction in restrictive practices. There has been a timetable for patients and staff to engage in activities for a meaningful day. The changes also meant a patient who had been in long term segregation for a long time is no longer there and has progressed in her care pathway.
The second in this category is the Personality Disorder High Secure Transition Project. The aim of the project was to improve patient experience when moving from High Secure Mental Health Care to Medium Secure Care or the Prison system. It involved group and one to one input to support patients on an individual basis, looking at what was important to them and allowing them to establish relationships with their new team prior to transfer. The patient group were consulted and involved from the start, alongside staff. This involved asking about their hopes, and their needs for support when transitioning. No patients have returned to a high secure setting since the project started.
Lucy Pywell, Ward Manager at Rampton Hospital has been shortlisted in the Nurse Leader of the Year Award category. Lucy was put forward for her role in developing a project on the National High Secure Healthcare Services for Women Personality Disorder Treatment Ward. The Meaningful Day project aimed to improve the wellbeing of patients. It includes structured engagement sessions and they are given opportunities to engage in non-clinical activities with the nursing team, alongside their daily tasks. This programme has had significant benefits to the health, wellbeing, and hope for our patients. It has helped to foster positive interactions between staff and patients and has helped to develop a sense of community.
In the Learning Disabilities Nursing category our Aintree Ward team at Rampton Hospital have been shortlisted for establishing an autism aware specialist 8-bedded unit within a high secure learning disability service. The aim of this project was to ensure effective autism care within the service. The inspiration was simple, to provide the best, least restrictive, service we possibly can for our patients, to help them feel safe and, to help improve their quality of life and to see them successfully progress to conditions of lesser security. They also support with autism awareness and assessment across the hospital.
The winners will be announced at an awards ceremony on 27 October 2021,