Trust shortlisted in HSJ Partnership Awards

We are delighted that the Trust has been shortlisted, alongside Isla, in the HSJ Partnership Awards in the Healthtech Partnership of the Year category.
We are delighted that the Trust has been shortlisted, alongside Isla, in the HSJ Partnership Awards in the Healthtech Partnership of the Year category.
We are very proud of Diane Goddard, Safeguarding Lead and Bethany Liddington, Community Staff Nurse, who have been nominated for the Julie Bolus Rising Star Award in the Good Governance Institute awards.
Congratulations to Debbie Sells, Ward Manager of Nottinghamshire Healthcare’s Margaret Oates Mother and Baby Unit (MBU) for being awarded ‘The Most Engaged Inpatient Reviewer 2021 – 2022’ and to our Mother and Baby Unit team for being awarded ‘The Most Engaged Inpatient Team 2021 – 2022’, in the recent perinatal quality network (PQN) awards.
We are very proud of our Tissue Viability Nurse, Amy Townsend, who has received a Cavell Star award. An inspiring national awards programme, Cavell Star Awards are given to nurses, midwives, nursing associates and healthcare assistants who shine bright and show exceptional care to one of three groups of people, their colleagues, their patients or patients’ families.
We are very proud of Cherry Rumsey, Community Matron, Lana Naylor, District Nurse, Hiedi Swift, Respiratory Nurse Specialist and Lesley Mountney, Community Paediatric Matron. All have been awarded the title of Queen’s Nurse (QN). A Queen’s Nurse title is given to individual nurses who have demonstrated a high level of commitment to patient care and nursing practice.
Nottinghamshire Healthcare has won a second NHS Forest award for ‘Pioneering use of green space by healthcare professionals’ for the Trust’s Green Hub.
Nottinghamshire Healthcare is delighted to have won the NHS Forest award for ‘The most NHS Forest trees planted in 2021-22’ for the Rampton Woodland tree planting project.
Staff from Rampton have been sharing their fantastic work on increasing autism acceptance on an international scale.
Nicola Shinn, Ward Manager and Sarah Foster, Neurodiverse Lead Nurse from Aintree Ward at Rampton Hospital recently attended the 13th Autism International Congress in Krakow in Poland.
The Trust is celebrating a hat-trick in the National Service User Awards – with three winners from five shortlisted projects.
Nottinghamshire Healthcare’s Nottingham Centre for Transgender Health (NCTH) team have been shortlisted in the Best Workplace for Learning and Development Award in the Nursing Times Workforce Awards.