Health and Wellbeing strategy shortlisted in national awards

Nottingham City’s Joint Health and Wellbeing strategy has been shortlisted in the Local Government Chronical Awards 2023, in the ‘Public Health’ category.
The Trust is a key partner in this work, including leading on the Severe Multiple Disadvantage (SMD) work. This work is supported by a large and very active partnership of organisations across the City that work to support people that might be experiencing multiple complex issues that include homelessness, substance misuse, mental health issues, domestic abuse and contact with the criminal justice system.
Dr Jane Bethea, Consultant in Public Health said: “We are really proud to have been heavily involved in this work and for it be recognised at a national level. It’s so important we all work together to support this vulnerable group and meet their health needs where we can”
As a founding member of this partnership, we have been closely involved in all of the work that has happened so far, including successfully bidding for £4m to fund the ‘Changing Futures Programme’ in the city. This is providing intensive one to one support to very vulnerable people and helping the health and care system respond better to people’s needs.
We are also supporting our services to work in a more integrated way to support people that experience SMD. We have a mental health team that work with the homeless, working hand in hand with a range of services in the city, making sure we provide the right support at the right time, and in a location that works for the patient. We are also leading on developing services that meet the needs of people that have both mental health and drug or alcohol issues. By supporting joint integrated working between local drug and alcohol services and our mental health inpatient and community services, we are making a real difference to people’s lives. This includes working with ‘Double Impact’, a local recovery focussed organisation. Through this partnership we now have peer-support workers with that vital lived experience, providing direct support to our patients.
Winners will be announced on 8 June 2023. More on the awards here LGC Awards 2023 - shortlist-2023 (