Colleague wins Psychiatric Trainer of the Year Award

Nottinghamshire Healthcare is very proud to have a colleague awarded the Psychiatric Trainer of the Year Award at the Yorkshire and Humber Deanery annual conference.
Dr Mittal is a clinical supervisor for the trainees allocated every 6 months to Bassetlaw from the Yorkshire and Humber Deanery.
Dr Shweta Mittal, Medical Lead and Consultant Psychiatrist, Community Adult Mental Health Services Mid Notts and Bassetlaw, was nominated by her previous core trainee, Dr Nusrat Nayan. She was an international medical graduate who felt that Dr Mittal helped her immensely in her professional and personal development. Dr Mittal has a core trainee working with her on rotational basis every 6 months.
Dr Nayan commented: Dr Mittal's dedication, supportive mentorship, and holistic approach to training makes her exceptionally deserving of the Trainer of the Year Award.
Her guidance has been pivotal in shaping my career, and I am confident that future trainees will benefit just as profoundly from her expertise and support. Additionally, with her encouragement, I completed an audit and a re-audit within six months and, with her mentorship, created a poster presentation that won a prize.
Dr Mittal is a crisis resolution and home treatment team consultant in the North-Notts and Mid-Notts crisis team. Her role involves completing medication reviews with patients. It also involves making plans for patients presenting in crisis, who are quite often struggling with suicidal thoughts. This includes looking at the complex relationship between biological, psychological, and social factors and how these affect patients' health.
For trainees she provides a structured induction along with her colleagues, that lays out a strong foundation for trainees' entire time with the team. She clarifies responsibilities of trainees, outlines their portfolio requirements, and explains their Work Place Based Assessments (WPBAs), which are required as part of their course.
Dr Mittal said: I am humbled to have all the hard work recognised and receive this award. I hope that my mentorship helps trainees maintain a manageable workload, navigate team dynamics, and deliver high quality patient care."
The Yorkshire and Humber Deanery annual conference is attended by consultant psychiatrists, clinical and educational supervisors, higher trainees, core trainees and medical students from the Yorkshire and Humber region.