Chief Executive recognised as South Asian NHS Pioneer

Our Chief Executive, Ifti Majid, recently won the APNA South Asian NHS pioneers award. APNA (our) NHS is a network for senior South Asian leaders to connect, share ideas and support each other.
The award is recognition of the pioneer South Asian leaders who pave the way for future leaders in having navigated the glass ceiling and being inspirational by virtue of their visible positions as BME leaders
Ifti Majid, Chief Executive of Nottinghamshire Healthcare said:
“I am delighted to be one of the winners of this award. I am incredibly passionate about creating a working environment where colleagues can bring their whole selves to work, and I’m committed to promoting diversity and inclusion in healthcare settings. I intend to continue this at Nottinghamshire Healthcare, demonstrating how there must be no barriers to success.”
This award seeks to honour those role models and trailblazers who continue to leave an indelible legacy in the NHS. All the nominees have inspired and led in their respective areas, to create a better place for service users to receive care, for staff to work and for those who will follow them in succession.
Before becoming Chief Executive of the Nottinghamshire Healthcare, Ifti was the Chief Executive of Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. He has held various clinical posts in adult mental health services, including community mental health team clinical lead. He is Co-Chair of the NHS Confederation BME leaders network and Chairs the National NHS Confederation Mental Health Network.
As well as being driven to make a personal impact on diversity in a healthcare setting, he is a great supporter of the benefit of integrated systems on improving outcomes for local populations.
As a pioneer and role model for South Asian communities, he is one of the few South Asian CEOs of NHS Trusts. He acknowledges the impact of his lived experience of being a minority BME leader to help him develop compassionate and inclusive leadership strategies that have resulted in consistently produced outstanding staff survey results. He has supported developing diverse boards and driven organisations to be acknowledged as forerunners in anti-racism.