District Nurse reflection of working through the pandemic

A reflection from one of District Nurses’ Katie Grant from last year about how her and the team adapted during the pandemic to continue to provide outstanding care:
International Nurses’ Day takes place on 12 May and is an opportunity for us to celebrate and thank all our nursing colleagues who provide care for our patients when they are at their most vulnerable and who make a difference to their lives and the lives of their families and loved ones.
Nursing is such a privilege and to be a part of someone’s lives, helping them on their road to recovery is such a special moment. We’re sharing some shining examples of nursing care by our colleagues, which you can read below. If you’ve felt inspired and are interested in joining the Nottinghamshire Healthcare family, you can find everything you need to know at https://recruitment.nottshc.nhs.uk/.
A reflection from one of District Nurses’ Katie Grant from last year about how her and the team adapted during the pandemic to continue to provide outstanding care:
The World Health Organisations goal is for micro-elimination of Hepatitis C. Our healthcare teams working in prisons have utilised the time even throughout COVID-19 to strive to meet this initiative.
Specialist Palliative Care Nurse Samantha Sanders and Community Staff Nurse Tracey Holland from our Larwood and Bawtry Intergrated Care Team recently went above and beyond for one of their patients.
We know our nursing staff are fantastic and passionate about their job. We share quotes about what nursing means to some of our staff.
Our Arnold and Calverton Integrated Care Team created a wall of brilliance to share all of their achievements.
Staff share their thoughts on their nursing colleagues.
“I just want to tell you about this wonderful nurse who was just finishing her shift yesterday. Her name is Kajsa. Kajsa has been working with us for 7 years as a Peer Support Worker/Health Care Assistant. Peer support workers are considered as key members of our nursing teams and they play a vital role in supporting our patients
The Alcohol related long term conditions service supports patients with alcohol related physical health complications as a result of alcohol dependency / misuse, either still ongoing or historic. The team have recently received some fantastic feedback from their patients.
As part of a series of ethnic minorities nurse leaders sharing their career journey Linda Chibuzor, our Deputy Director of Nursing shares hers and the challenges she has overcome.
At Larwood and Bawtry Community Nursing Team they identified that they would like to be able to close the loop of care when one of their patients dies.