Our updates


Big Conversation Events

In late summer, the Involvement, Experience and Volunteering team along with Ifti Majid, Chief Executive, held three online Big Conversation events to begin engaging patients and caregivers in the ongoing development, monitoring, and oversight of the Big Plan.

Before and during these meetings, participants were encouraged to ask questions about the Big Plan. In addition to the conversation events, we conducted an online survey inviting patients and caregivers to highlight key areas where they believe Nottinghamshire Healthcare can improve.

Shaping Our Future Together Event

On Tuesday, 17th December, the Trust hosted its first engagement event with patients and carers from across the organization. Over 65 attendees participated in discussions about the Big Plan and explored ways to get involved. Members of the Executive Team were present throughout the day, listening to what matters most to those receiving care and support from our services.

The Involvement, Experience and Volunteering Team extends its appreciation to everyone who joined us, including patients from our inpatient forensic units and community forensic services, along with all the staff and teams that supported us to make the event happen. Your input made the day a great success.

A more detailed update will be shared in the new year. Watch this space!

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