Capturing Feedback
Nottinghamshire Healthcare carries out a patient, carer, and service user feedback survey across all its services, with the survey being collected via paper forms, online and via SMS.
This year we had a total of 5806 returns from 1 September 2023 to 31 August 2024, with 526 of these from carers. The total received is slightly up from corresponding period in 2023 2023. We had no feedback from 40% of teams during the year.
Key indicators:
- We received 2200 responses by SMS text message, this is a 30% increase and reflects the work done by the IEV team and services to develop this method of collection.
- Our services were rated as good or excellent by 89% of people who responded up by 4% from the previous year, and 86% responses stated that the service had made a positive difference to their health and wellbeing.
- There were 6021 direct comments recorded, of which 61% shared what we did well.
- Proportion of feedback that contained fairly or highly critical comments was 14% and fairly or highly complimentary comments was 47%.
- Positive feedback focused on the staff attitude (20%) and the care received (19%) competency & professionalism of our staff (12%) Negative feedback focused provision of services (14%) care received (13%) and communication (11%).
Your Feedback Matters website
All feedback received by the Trust is published on 'Your Feedback Matters' website which is accessible to the public and is searchable dashboard by date and service areas/ teams. All comments received are recorded verbatim (redacted only where names or identifiable information is shared).
If you have trouble reading the above image, please email: involvement@nottshc.nhs.uk
This year we have developed online monthly experience reports that all services can access. These have the key indicators, themes and links to all the comments about the team, care unit or care group. See extract below:
If you have trouble reading the above image, please email: involvement@nottshc.nhs.uk
Only staff with valid login details or access to IEV Team SharePoint can access the Monthly Experience Reports.
We have also worked to agree a patient experience metric on the Safe Now dashboard that is useful for service looking at the proportion of feedback with fairly / highly critical comments that links to all the comments for the service.
Care Opinion
We had 1011 stories posted on Care Opinion, an independent online feedback site, giving a 32% increase in postings from last year's Annual Involvement Report. 81% of the postings were from patients and service users, and 17% were from carers/ relatives or friends.
These postings are available to be viewed on a searchable public website and have been viewed 71,146 times.
All postings are moderated and are allocated a criticality scoring. The majority, 83% (836) of the postings received for the Trust, were rated as not critical. 16% (157) postings were minimally / mildly/ moderately critical with 1%, 7 postings, strongly critical.
If you have trouble reading the above image, please email: involvement@nottshc.nhs.uk
The Trust is committed to responding to postings made on Care Opinion and there were 1152 responses made, with 10 of these outlining changes that would be made because of the feedback received and 7 of these now implemented.
The opportunity to post Care Opinion feedback has been integrated into the Patients Digital portal (Made Purple) at Rampton and we have received 125 postings from patients at Rampton Hospital and as the patient's portal roles out further at Rampton we anticipate this growing.
National Community Mental Health Survey
The National Community Mental Health Survey 2023 was published on 19 April 2024 by the CQC. People aged 16 and over were eligible for the survey if they were receiving care or treatment for a mental health condition between 1 April 2023 and 31 May 2023. Fieldwork was carried out between August and December 2023. (33 questions)
- 248 people responded (20% response rate - same as national average)
- We were about the same compared to all other Trust on 30 questions
- We were much better compared to all other Trusts on 1 question (In the last 12 months has your NHS Trust mental health team asked you how you are getting on with your medication?)
- We were better compared to all other Trusts on 2 questions (Did your NHS Trust mental health team treat you with care and compassion? and Talking Therapies, did you have enough privacy to talk comfortably
Improvements from Feedback
- In response to a Care Opinion posting from a service user at the Wells Road Centre about how they felt staff did not understand autism well, the manager responded to say that he will ensure that all staff complete the Oliver McGowan Training on Learning Disability and Autism.
- A Care Opinion posting led to revising the mail monitoring processes for patients at Rampton hospital
- In response to feedback about crisis services and a Care Opinion posting about difficulties contacting the Crisis Team the services manager responded to say that they have set up a new dedicated team with Clinic Access Line which will take all crisis calls.
- Patients at Sherwood Oaks raised the issue of nursing and support staff being responsible for food. A business case was submitted and approved for recruitment for catering staff to take over this role to free up nursing and support staff time for a trial that could be replicated trust wide if successful.
- Concerns were raised via the Community Hub about visits from the Community Nursing Service being deferred without patients being notified. On recognising that this issue was being raised repeatedly by patients and carers, the Community Hub escalated the issue with the Community Nursing Service. The issue was resolved so that patients and carers are notified when a visit is
deferred. - Young people in schools requested that information and resources for the Healthy Family Teams be digital so that it could be added to school websites and other digital resources used in schools. After discussions with schools, a digital resource was created for the Healthy Family Teams which has now been uploaded to school website and portals. This has made the information more accessible for young people.
- In response to feedback from carers and families about lack of communication and involvement when patients are placed out of area the Out of Area team are now working with a allocated carer support worker who now contacts the patients carers to offer them support and to retrieve any feedback / queries they may have, this has showed positive feedback. They also send a letter to carers to explain as to why their loved one has gone OOA and who to contact if they have any immediate concerns or if they would like to share any experiences.
Patient / Carer stories at the Trust Board Meetings
Every Trust Board begins with a patient or carer sharing their story to give an insight to how our services are experienced by patients and carers. They highlight what has worked well for them and what we need to improve in the services we provide. Stories this year featured a veteran's experiences in Offender Health Care, a carer whose daughter was placed out of area and a man with Motor Neurone Disease who was supported by our Community Therapy Team.
Each year report back on what they are doing around some of the issues raised. This year this included Veteran Care Through Custody training to address the lack of confidence expressed by healthcare staff working with veterans, and guidance on developing care plans with carers including an advanced statement summary being a core element of care plans.