Quality Service Review Update
We want to thank all of our providers for engaging with another busy year of quality service reviews. These reviews are an important part of our quality assurance responsibilities and capture safety, effectiveness and patient experience, using interviews with patients and staff, review of documentation, systems and environmental reviews.
Throughout 2023/2024, we visited 43 wards across the collaborative and it was positive that many wards maintained a rating of “No Concerns” including:
- Cygnet Derby: Alvaston and Litchurch
- Wheatfield Unit
- Priory Lincolnshire: Lancaster and Scampton
Positively, 11 of the wards have had their rating decreased from the previous year which demonstrates the improvements made by the teams in those areas. Congratulations to the following wards:
- Cygnet Clifton: Acorn and Ancaria
- Farndon Unit: Cortland
- Wells Road Centre: Lister and Trent
- St Andrews: Oak, Fern, Spencer South, Spencer North, Prichard and Robinson
We want to acknowledge the hard work that goes on in all of our wards, we regularly see high levels of compassion and dedication towards high quality patient care within our services, and this is recognised during our visits.
For the 2024/2025 year we will be having an increased focus on co-production and MDT working, as well as introducing peer reviews with the aim of increasing collaborative working and good practice sharing across our providers.
We know there are a number of exciting quality improvement initiatives going on across the collaborative and we look forward to reporting on those in future newsletters. If you have a piece of work that you are proud of and would like to promote, please get in contact with Emma Gray (Quality and Governance Lead) emma.gray@nottshc.nhs.uk
Provider surveillance
We continue to use the National Quality Board’s approach to quality risk management. This is based on 3 main levels of assurance and support. These are:
- Routine quality assurance and improvement - activity when there are no risks or minor risks which are being addressed effectively. Includes standard monitoring and reporting, due diligence and contract management.
- Enhanced quality assurance and improvement - undertaken when there are quality risks that are complex, significant and/ or recurrent and require action/ improvement plans and support
- Intensive quality assurance and improvement - a last resort, when there are very complex, significant or recurrent risks, which require mandated intensive support led by NHSE and regulators. For health services, this includes mandated support from NHSE for recovery and improvement (e.g. Intensive Support Team, maternity support.)
In March 2024 10 out of our 12 providers were on Routine Monitoring. The monitoring arrangements in place for these providers are the Quarterly Contract Review meetings and regular case manager oversight. All providers are presented with a copy of their surveillance log at contract review meetings, which has further detail on any individual concerns raised.
IMPACT PC have achieved Level 1 NHSE Quality Maturity Framework