About us
IMPACT is the NHS-led Provider Collaborative in the East Midlands - a partnership of the nine providers of NHS low and medium adult secure mental health services in our region:
- Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
- Cygnet Health Care
- Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
- Elysium Healthcare
- Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust
- Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
- Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
- Priory Healthcare
- St Andrew's Healthcare
IMPACT is the name used by the East Midlands Provider Collaborative. It stands for IMproved Pathways And Community Teams and was developed by a service-user group at Cygnet Health Care in Derby, before being approved and adopted as by the nine provider partners.
Our on-going programme of stakeholder engagement and co-production is informing the development of new services and support mechanisms that reflect the real, lived experience of patients and those who care for them.
Our new clinical model seeks to transform the following adult secure care services across the region through improving patient pathways, the interfaces between the health, social care and criminal justice system and on-going service development:
- Low and medium secure care for adult patients with a forensic mental health or dual diagnosis
- Secure care for people with challenging Learning Disability and/or Autistic Spectrum Disorder.
We are also connecting with other organisations in the East Midlands who share the same challenges and are ultimately seeking the same solutions as us.
Part of our work to improve patient and carer experience is ensuring integrated pathways with the Clinical Commissioning Groups, Local Authorities and other agencies. Working toward common goals, we are collectively seeking the best possible outcomes for service-users transitioning from secure care into community mental health services.
We are proactively engaging with Integrated Care Systems (ICSs), Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) and Transforming Care Partnerships (TCPs) across the East Midlands and inviting them to get to know our work and collaborate with us on shared issues.
Other partners we work closely with include