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The East Midlands Provider Collaborative went live on 1 October 2020. Download the press release here: IMPACT Launch Press Release 1 Oct 20.pdf [pdf] 233KB



From October 2020, the responsibility for the commissioning of Adult Secure Care mental health services in the East Midlands transferred from NHS England Specialised Commissioning to Provider Collaboratives.

As Lead Provider of the East Midlands Provider Collaborative (PC), Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust has ultimate responsibility to NHSE for the commissioning and oversight of services provided by the nine partner organisations in the collaborative.

To fulfil this responsibility, Nottinghamshire Healthcare has set up an arms-length commissioning and oversight hub. 

This commissioning and oversight hub - known as the Collaborative Support Hub - will plan (based on patient need) and purchase (within a regional budget) the services required - from the nine partners in the East Midlands Provider Collaborative and other organisations - to meet the needs of our patient population.

IMPACT PC Commissioning Strategy 2024-2026 launched.

IMPACT has strived to maintain its position as one of the most ambitious and innovative provider collaboratives in the country, at the forefront of trialling new ways of commissioning and delivery of services. Our approaches to supporting finding the appropriate care in the right place and discharge support for example demonstrate the commitment to supporting a whole pathway of care surrounding someone’s secure care experience. The PC regularly leads the way nationally in developing new practices. Our bed forecasting model, for example, has been adopted nationally by all provider collaboratives. Clinical leadership, clear lines of accountability and escalation, collaborative decision making and governance, communication and coproduction are what we value most as our key strengths.

IMPACT Commissioning Strategy 2024-26



In order to test and evaluate new ways of working based on our clinical model, IMPACT has established a number of pilot projects. 

These aim to streamline referrals, reduce the number of patient assessments required, improve the interface between secure and community mental health services, shorten lengths of stay in secure care, maximise support for successful transitions into community settings and reduce inequalities in the commissioning and provision of forensic services.

You can read more about our current pilot programmes of work here:

Single Point of Access

IMPACT designed and mobilised a regional Single Point of Access (SPA) for first assessment referrals.

Assertive Transitions Service (ATS)

The service provides personalised, proactive support to low and medium secure care inpatients.

Women’s Secure Care Transformation Programme

Progranne which supports women at risk of requiring secure care in the East Midlands to access better care, experience, and outcomes.

Learning Disability and Autism

Financially and clinically responsible for delivering adult medium and low secure mental health and learning disability and autism services.


To support providers in understanding and managing their workforce challenges.



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