East Midlands adult secure patients repatriated back into the East Midlands from Out of Area
IMPACT will on occasion utilise a bed in another Provider Collaborative area (defined as out of area or outside of our nationally agreed ‘natural clinical flow’). This practice is only undertaken as a last resort and the number of patients placed out of area has reduced significantly over the last three years from 14% to 6%. As of March 2024 there were 20 patients in out of area placements, all with plans for repatriation back to an East Midlands bed or discharge to the community within the next 2 years. There are no patients in a specialist LDA bed out of area.
The graph below shows how the PC have reduced the number of East Midlands people receiving secure care outside the East Midlands from 14%, at go live in October 2020, to less than 6%. Thus improving clinical outcomes, bringing people closer to home, their families and minimising their time in hospital.