Adult Involvement opportunities - Ages 18+
In this section:
Community Mental Health Transformation Group
Early Intervention Psychosis (EIP) Involvement Group
Patient and Carer Information Group
Story Shop
Mental Health Services for Older People Involvement Group
Interview Panel
Carers Connect Network
Parents and Carers Involvement Group
Triangle of Care - Peer Reviewer
Patient Letters
Improving how we plan care together
End of Life Steering Group
Patient Involvement Collaboration
ARFID (Avoidant Restrictive Food intake Disorder) Focus Groups
Culture of Care Programme
Community Mental Health Transformation Group
As part of a 3-year transformation process for Community Mental Health Services, we are implementing nationally recommend Patient Reported Outcomes Measures (PROMS).
These measures are designed to help patients and practitioners understand the impact that support, care and treatment are having on patients' mental health and wellbeing. Whilst the measures have been set based on national guidance, we want to understand how these can be implemented in the most meaningful and accessible way possible for patients which is where we need your help.
If you have accessed Community Mental Health Services in the last 2 years or haven't engaged with services until crisis point, we would love you to become involved to share your experience and to help shape how we put in place the measures moving forwards.
Details of this opportunity
- Title: Community Mental Health Transformation Group
- How / When: Those involved can attend either in person or via Microsoft teams link.
- Who runs the group: Sarah Pitts and Sally Carrier, for more information please contact
Click here if you would like register as an involvement partner or to join this group (entering the title: Community Mental Health Transformation Group when asked).
If you are already registered, then please contact to confirm you would like to take part.
Early Intervention Psychosis (EIP) Involvement Group
The EIP service value your thoughts and ideas around areas that may affect your recovery. We have an opportunity to come together with fellow people who use the service and colleague to help shape and improve the care and support we provide.
To get involved in this project you must currently be a patient of the EIP service.
The aims of the meeting:
- To meet people who are also under the care of the EIP service
- Provide feedback about the service
- Make suggestions that can help improve patient experience
Details of this opportunity
- Title: Early Intervention Psychosis Involvement Group
- How / When: Those who register their interest can attend either in person or via Microsoft teams link.
- Who runs the group: For more information contact Jonathan Guy, or Amanda Bateman You can also phone Jonathan on 07881 331317 to find out more information.
Click here if you would like register as an involvement partner or to join this group (entering the title: EIP Involvement Group when asked).
If you are already registered, then please contact to confirm you would like to take part.
Patient and Carer Information Group
The Patient Information Group is comprised of Involvement Partners and works closely with staff from around the Trust. The purpose of the group is to review, and co-design literature that is produced by the Trust to give information about health related matters. There are four strands to this group and each strand meets once every 4 weeks.
The strands are:
- Review of Trust documents for patients
- Collaborative Model redesign
- Carer information
- Digital information
You are welcome to get involved with all four strands should you wish; however, the Carers Information is specifically for those who undertake a carer role for a loved one or friend.
Details of this opportunity
- Title: Patient Information Group
- How / When: These meetings run on Tuesday morning from 10:30 - 12pm and can be accessed in person at the DMH Involvement Hub or you can connect into the meeting virtually using Microsoft Teams.
- Who runs the group: The group is hosted by members of the Involvement Experience Volunteering Team, contact if you would like further information.
Click here if you would like register as an involvement partner or to join this group (entering the title: Patient Information Group when asked).
If you are already registered, then please contact to confirm you would like to take part.
Story Shop
The Story Shop is for people with lived experience and carers to share their story with medical students (Resident Doctors) to give them a more realistic understanding of mental health and the factors affecting it. This helps to contribute to their training and education as well as an opportunity to challenge some of the stigma around the topic of mental health. Story Shop Involvement Partners are asked to tell their story to small groups of students as part of their training and answer any questions from that group. The session is a structured part of the medical student's educational course and has a direct influence on junior medical colleague and professionals entering the healthcare field. We are currently looking to increase the amount of people sharing their stories and would like to invite those with the following experience to join us:
- Eating disorders
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
Please note that to participate you could be the patient who has experienced any of these services, but also you may be the carer/parent of someone who has.
Details of this opportunity
- Title: Story Shop
- How / When: Each session takes place over the course of one day (Friday), with a morning and afternoon session. There are six weeks between each Story Shop and there are five in total each year. The next intake will commence in February 2023. You will be given support to prepare your story beforehand and there will be support on the day.
- Who runs the group: Medical Education Team: Julie Rastall and Gemma Ayer, Maxine Parr Involvement Support Officer, and Lyndsy Jones, Involvement Project Lead, All the colleagues above will be able to offer support to you during the preparation of your story and the confidence to deliver it. Julie and Gemmel will be with you each time you attend a session.
Click here if you would like register as an involvement partner or to join this group (entering the title: Story Shop when asked).
If you are already registered, then please contact to confirm you would like to take part.
Mental Health Services for Older People Involvement Group
Would you like to support the Hospital in improving yours or a loved one's stay with us?
Do you have 90 minutes a month to join us and work on projects that will help us do this?
Nottinghamshire Healthcare is committed to working with and listening to patients and carers about how we can improve the care we deliver and the way we work with patients and carers. As a result of feedback received we have some projects that we believe your input would make great improvements in.
We are looking to work on the following:
- Welcome information for patients on admission to our wards - what's important to know from your perspective and how should this be presented.
- What's important for a family member, loved one or friend when someone is admitted onto a ward.
- Creation of some video's that can be shared with people showing the ward layout.
- What is important for carers and families and how we communicate with you during your loved ones stay with us.
Details of this Opportunity
- Title: Member of Older People's Mental Health Improvement Group
- How / When: Once a month, face to face at Highbury Hospital, Nottingham and Blossom Wood, Mansfield
- Who runs the group: The group is hosted by Sharon Howe, and Lyndsy Jones. For further information contact
Click here if you would like register as an involvement partner or to join this group (entering the title: MHSOP Involvement Group when asked).
If you are already registered, then please contact to confirm you would like to take part.
Interview Panel
At Nottinghamshire Healthcare Foundation Trust, we value the voice of service users and carers / family members and friends in the recruitment of colleagues.
You will receive some basic instructions on how the recruitment process works within the Trust.
Skills required
- Be confident in speaking and asking questions to candidates in an interview panel setting this can be face to face or via MS Teams.
- Be able to create open, value and recovery based questions.
- Understand the importance of confidentiality, inclusivity, and equal opportunity.
You will receive some basic instructions on how the recruitment process works within the Trust.
Details of this opportunity
- Title: Interview Panel
- How / When: Interview panels can happen face to face or via MS Teams. You will be contacted when we have been asked to provide someone on a panel with relevant dates/times to see if you are available.
- Who runs the group: For more information please contact Lyndsy Jones,
Click here if you would like register as an involvement partner or to join this group (entering the title: Interview Panel when asked).
If you are already registered, then please contact to confirm you would like to take part.
Carers Connect Network
The Carers Connect Network (CCN) is a forum for carers, families, friends, colleagues and partnership organisations who work with carers. We always welcome new carers getting involved either at the meetings every other month and/or by responding to and being aware of opportunities. The CCN aims to improve how the Trust involves, supports and communicates with carers. It's a chance to influence how we work together, get involved in projects, add your voice and share good practice or just hear the latest news.
Meeting dates (2024):
- Monday 21st October, 1-3pm
For more information see our support for carer's page .
Details of this opportunity
- Title: Carer's Connect Network
- How / When: Bi-monthly using Microsoft Teams.
Click here if you would like register as an involvement partner or to join this group (entering the title: Carer's Connect Network when asked).
If you are already registered, then please contact to confirm you would like to take part.
Parents and Carers Involvement Group
The Parent and Carer Involvement Group is an online platform that parents and carers can join to share their voices about the local Children and Young People's Health Services. The sessions are online and last up to one hour.
It is an opportunity to share your experiences of Children and Young People's Health Services and to use your experiences to help us to improve services. You can also help develop new ideas for Children and Young People's Health Services. This might include helping to create resources and information (e.g. service leaflets or videos) so that they are useful to parents and carers. You could also be offered the opportunity to sit on staff recruitment panels if you would like to, and would receive some training and information to help you to feel confident to do this.
Why might a parent/carer want to join the group?
This is a great opportunity to meet new people and build your confidence in talking to others. Your voice matters to Nottinghamshire Healthcare, and you can influence changes within services and resources aimed at families, children and young people.
Who can join the group?
Anyone aged 18 years of age and over, who is a parent or carer of a child or young person who have had experience of Children and Young People Health Services provided by Nottinghamshire Healthcare. These may include: Health Visitors, School Nurses, Speech and Language Services, Physiotherapy, Occupational Health, Youth Justice, CAMHS etc.
Details of this opportunity
- Title: Parent and Carers Involvement Group
- How: The group will meet virtually over MS Teams. The meeting hosts can provide information about how to use MS Teams.
- Who runs the group: The group is run by Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and facilitated by: Elizabeth Alcock, Service Development Facilitator (CAMHS), Alice Birch, Involvement, Experience and Volunteering Lead, Amy Palmer, Involvement, Experience and Volunteering Lead, Julia Wilkinson, Senior Health Promotion Specialist
- When: The group will be held on the first Tuesday of every month from 1pm - 2pm via MS Teams
Click here if you would like register as an involvement partner or to join this group (entering the title: Parent and Carer Involvement Group when asked).
If you are already registered, then please contact to confirm you would like to take part.
Triangle of Care - Peer Reviewer
Why do we need you?
We need to ensure that our involvement and communication with Carers (and Families) of the patients and people who use our services grows and improves across all the services and support we offer.
As a Triangle of Care Peer review, you will be providing feedback and observations of the self-assessment our service teams have undertaken to support them making positive steps to develop and grow their inclusive approach to involving and communicating better with carers.
What will you be doing
- Reading & reviewing the Triangle of care self-assessment - this will be an online process.
- Speaking to local services staff leads about the Triangle of Care self-assessment.
- Auditing the information supplied and provide feedback and observations.
This role will suit you if
- Are, of have been, the carer of someone who has been a patient or has used our services.
- like to read & review information, and like to feedback your thoughts and ideas.
- Have great communication skills to share your thoughts and observations.
What you can expect from us
- We will make you feel welcome, included and valued.
- You will get training, support & recognition for your contribution.
- You can claim out of pocket expenses (for example travel - in line with our policy).
- We will keep you up to date on what's happening with the Triangle of Care development and the feedback you have provided.
What we need from you
- To ensure the safety and security of our patients and service users we ask you.
- To complete the Involvement Partner registration form please click this link.
- Undertake some learning activities on the Triangle of Care and the approach to peer review, this will be for around 2 hours on-line or in person.
- Undertake a minimum of 3 triangle of Care peer reviews, it is estimated each peer review will take an hour and may be online or in person.
Details of this opportunity
- Title: Triangle of Care - Peer Reviewer.
- How / When: Undertake a minimum of 3 triangle of Care peer reviews, it is estimated each peer review will take an hour and may be online or in person.
- Who runs the group - Kate Adams - for more information please contact
Click here if you would like register as an involvement partner or to join this group (entering the title: Triangle of Care - Peer Reviewer when asked).
If you are already registered, then please contact to confirm you would like to take part.
Patient Letters
Why do we need you?
We are transforming our community mental health services and as part of this we want to review how we make sure that everybody gets the right care, in the right place to meet their needs. We want to work with people with lived experience to design the letters and information that we send to patients and GP's when a patient is discharged from one of our services, or when we are unable to meet the patients needs in secondary care. We want to ensure that we provide the right information to support the patients in the next step of their recovery journey. This might be general advice or signposting to additional support services.
Details of this opportunity
- Title: Patient Letters
- How/When: To be agreed
- Who runs the group: Sally Carrier - for more information contact
Click here if you would like register as an involvement partner or to join this group(entering the title 'Patient Letters' when asked)
If you are already registered, then please contact to confirm you would like to take part.
Improving how we plan care together
Why do we need you?
The aim of the meeting is to improve how we plan care together with service users and carers. We will be looking to:
- Develop expectations for how we develop and review care and care plans with people.
- Agree the core elements of a care plan, and how we share and record what we are doing.
- Develop communications and support to enable care plans to be developed collaboratively.
- Agree how we ensure and review outcomes.
- Test and pilot ideas where rapid improvement is needed.
We are undertaking this work because there is a lack of consistency in a number of areas around how we plan care with people resulting in care not being consistently delivered effectively with patients and carers.
- Experience of mental health or community health services as a patient, service user or carer or experience working with patients, service users and carers who have used mental health or community health services.
- Able to contribute views and ideas to discussions around how we plan care with patients, service users or carers.
- Able to attend meetings regularly.
Details of this opportunity
- Title: Improving how we plan care together
- How/When: Every month, in person at the Involvement and Volunteering Hub at Duncan Macmillan House Mapperley, and also online via MS Teams.
- Who runs the group: Paul Sanguinazzi, Head of Involvement Experience and Volunteering -
Click here if you would like register as an involvement partner or to join this group (entering the title 'Improving how we plan care together' when asked)
If you are already registered, then please contact to confirm you would like to take part.
End of Life Steering Group
The End-of-Life Steering Group is an opportunity for people to be engaged in the development of End-of-Life care pathways. This is to allow the voice of patients and families to shape the future of this service and give them the choice of where to receive care in accordance with where they live, and what the choice should be. There will be discussions around the funding that is available and what could be done differently.
This work will continue to develop and further work and discussions will take place as the group continues to run.
In addition to this meeting there are also subgroup(s) that will run fortnightly for up to 2 hours. If you decided to be part of the subgroup(s), your thoughts, opinions and feelings would be fed back to the steering group. We can talk to you further about this if you are interested.
You may require IT equipment to access the meetings via Microsoft Teams, this can be supported by the Involvement Experience & Volunteering Team should you need it.
Details of this opportunity
- Title: End-of-Life Steering Group
- How / When: These meetings run fortnightly for approx. 1 - 1.5 hours and will take place in the morning or the afternoon.
- Who runs the group: The meeting is hosted by various organisations. however the person attending from the Trust is Dawn Cronin.
Click here if you would like register as an involvement partner or to join this group ( entering the title: ' End of Life Steering Group' when asked).
If you are already registered, then please contact to confirm you would like to take part.
Patient Involvement Collaboration
We are inviting patients to join our Patient and Public Involvement Group to share their valuable insights, feedback and advice with our Psychology Cancer Services. this will help us improve our services and continue delivering the best patient care.
Who can join?
- People with lived experience of cancer.
- People who have sought psychological support for cancer related difficulties.
- People who wish to shape psychological support in cancer care services.
- People open to hearing the views of others with diverse experiences.
- Business or professional experience is not required.
- You will be invited to offer comments and feedback on documents and service developments.
- Participation is flexible.
- You can attend our regular online group meetings and/or participate in other ways between group meetings.
- You can choose to be involved in a wide range of areas; including clinical and research developments. You can also contribute by attending team meetings and/or feeding back on service developments between meetings.
- You are welcome to take time away or leave the group at any time.
Details of this opportunity
- Title: Patient Involvement Collaboration
- How / When: Every 3-4 months by video call (unless the group decides to change this). Meetings will consist of 12 members each meeting, plus 2 to 3 staff members.
- Who runs the group: The meeting is hosted by Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. For more information contact or call 07500991626
Click here if you would like register as an involvement partner or to join this group (entering the title: ' Patient Involvement Collaboration' when asked).
If you are already registered, then please contact to confirm you would like to take part.
ARFID (Avoidant Restrictive Food intake Disorder) Focus Groups
Are you interested in helping to improve services for adults with Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)? Do you live in Nottinghamshire? If so, we'd love to hear from you! Please take part in our exciting research which aims to explore and develop a service for adults with ARFID in Nottinghamshire.
We are conducting a series of focus groups with individuals with lived experience of ARFID and their caregivers to explore:
- What ARFID means to you and your wider circle such as your family and friends.
- How ARFID has impacted on your life, including socialising, management of dietary needs, and working life.
- How you perceived and understand ARFID within your life.
- How you have accessed any care if applicable, and whether this has been of benefit or harm overall. Also, any challenges you have encountered in accessing care and support for your difficulties.
- How ARFID has impacted on your self-esteem and self-perception.
If you are interested and would like more information, please contact the adult ARFID scoping team on:
Details of this opportunity
How/When: The focus groups will be offered face-to-face at the Mandala Centre in October and November 2024. If you are unable to attend a face-to-face focus group, but would still like to take part, you can take part in an online interview instead. (Potential dates are: Tuesday 17th October, Wednesday 18th October and 8th November - however dates will be confirmed if you register for this opportunity).
Who runs the group: The Adult ARFID scoping team, for more information please contact
If you are already registered, then please contact: to confirm you would like to take part.
Culture of Care Programme
Nottinghamshire Healthcare has signed up to a new national programme to change the way mental health inpatient services run. Four of our Adult Mental Health Wards have been selected to take part in the programme over the next 18 months.The culture of care programme has 12 core commitments that have been created nationally by patients and healthcare professionals and we will be working towards fulfilling these over the programme.
To achieve these, it is crucial that we work with and listen to those with lived experience to shape the project moving forward.If you have experience of mental health inpatient wards and would like to be involved in helping to design care improvements then we would love to hear from you.There are a range of ways in which you can be involved with this project including working directly alongside ward based project groups or by being involved in a central advisory capacity.
If you would like to learn more about the ways you can be involved with this opportunity, we encourage you to contact
Details of this opportunity
Title: Culture of Care
How/When: Fortnightly face to face meetings at Highbury or Sherwood Oaks, or bi-monthly hybrid meetings.
Who: Ward based project groups will be led by ward managers. Central advisory role groups will be led by Involvement team members Lyndsy Jones and Amy Palmer.