Involvement partner opportunities
Nottinghamshire Healthcare has an Involvement, Experience and Volunteering Strategy which sets out how we will ensure that we involve people and how we will listen to and act upon their views. It is important that we understand what matters to people, what we are getting right and what needs to improve. You know what it’s like to receive care from our services, or you have supported someone who has.
You can use your experiences by registering as an Involvement Partner to help us design, plan and change our services so that they deliver good care, to you, your loved ones and to future users of our services.
By working together with you, we will make better decisions that lead to services that are more caring and better meet everyone’s needs.
Examples of our Involvement Partner roles
There is lots for you to get involved in. You can choose how much you do, and which projects or roles interest you.
Some of the things you could do as an Involvement Partner:
- Helping to design new hospitals, wards, and services.
- Interviewing new colleagues with us.
- Improvement Projects’ - where we work together to make services better.
- Helping us to plan for the future care that will be provided by our services.
- Tackling local health and social care related problems - such as loneliness, intervening early to prevent hospital admissions, and care in the community.
- Sharing your story to give hope to others or to enhance colleague training.
Current opportunities
Each of the roles gives information about how to register your interest.