Recap is a digital platform which enables health and social care workers working within the Trust to send digital information for health, wellbeing and recovery.
Recap Health at Nottinghamshire Healthcare is only available to staff employed by the Trust or other healthcare professionals supporting the patients / clients / service users within the Trust.
The aim is to provide trusted, relevant information and activities that you can access through smart phones, tablets and computers. This can be used in between sessions, giving you more control and responsibility for your own health and wellbeing.
The types of information that can be sent to you by your healthcare professional may include electronic leaflets, films, website links, apps and more.
You can register for Recap Health if you are a patient, a carer or a professional supporter (e.g. school/care home staff) connected to Nottinghamshire Healthcare. If you let us know who or what service team you are working with at we will send you an invitation to register for an account.