Occupational Therapists

We are a group of Specialist Learning Disability Occupational Therapists (OT) covering the city and county within 4 localities: City, South, North and West.

Our service is for adults over 18 with a confirmed diagnosis of an Intellectual Disability, sometimes called a Learning Disability. We work closely with other health professionals and social care.


What we can help with

Primary reason for the referral to the IDD occupational therapy team must relate to the impact of the persons' intellectual disability when performing self-care, leisure and/or productive tasks.

OT's are experts in activity analysis, OT's assess the persons abilities and difficulties and ensure activities are appropriate for the persons level of ability. OT's maximise a person's potential to complete tasks by using adaptation and grading. The IDD Occupational Therapy team works collaboratively with clients and carers to set personalised goals for input.

The purpose of the referral must be linked to the overcoming of barriers which are currently preventing the client from engaging in meaningful occupation (activity).

IDD Occupational Therapists can help with:

  • Sensory assessment and based intervention - linked to behaviour of concern, behaviours of distress, or impacting persons' participation in occupation (activity)
  • Dementia screening and training - where the person is in cognitive decline and a bassline of function skills is required or support with adaptation or adjustment
  • Activities of daily living - linked to promoting independence and quality of life outcomes, understanding skills and enablement
  • Development and understanding of roles and routines - Where impact of occupational deprivation is adversely impacting client's health

This may include:

  • Working with your family and support staff
  • Giving you advice
  • Working with social care and other agencies.
  • Working with other health professionals e.g. doctor, hospital or dentist etc.

Service opening times

9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (except bank holidays)

Some sites can be flexible according to demand, so may open in the early morning or later evening.

Help in Crisis

Outside of office hours please contact your GP service, NHS 111, or in an emergency attend your local accident and emergency department.

Information for health professionals

How to refer someone to this service

To refer someone to Occupational Therapy in the Intellectual and Development Disabilities (IDD) team you should request a referral form via the IDD Single Point of Access on 0300 303 1930 or IDDReferrals@nottshc.nhs.uk


Lead clinician

Robert Wilson
Occupational Therapist Professional Lead


Service commissioned by

NHS Nottingham City CCG, Newark and Sherwood CCG, Bassetlaw CCG and Nottingham County CCGs.



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