Primary Care Liaison Nurses

Primary care is your first point of contact with the NHS. It includes GPs and other community services. 

We are a team of nurses in Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire who support these primary care services to make reasonable adjustments for people with intellectual disabilities. We help GPs identify their patients with intellectual disabilities and offer them their Annual Health Check. The team also signpost health professionals working in primary care to other services for people with intellectual disabilities.

Our service is available to people aged 18 and over who are on their GP's intellectual disability register. We also support people between 14 and 18 and on the intellectual disability register with accessing their annual health check. 

Our nurses are based at:

  • Bull Farm Primary Care Centre
  • Clifton Conerstone 
  • Newark Health Centre 
  • Park House Health and Social Care Centre
  • Stapleford Primary Care Centre

For further details please view the below leaflets. 

For patients aged 14 and over, and are registered on their doctor's learning disability register, you should receive an annual health check. Find out more about annual health checks and watch a video explaining them further on the NHS website

Service opening hours

Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm

Contact us

Contact details for both Nottinghamshire County and Nottingham City.

Phone: 0115 876 0138


How to refer

Anyone can make a referral to our team for a person with an intellectual disability registered with a Nottinghamshire County or Nottinghamshire City GP.

This can be done either by phone or email:

Phone: 0115 876 0138



Lead Clinician

Marie McGahey.

Help in a crisis

Outside of our office hours please contact your GP service, NHS 111, or in an emergency attend your local Accident and Emergency (A&E) department.



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