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Oral Health Promotion team raise awareness of the HPV vaccine

As part of World Immunisation Week (24-30 April) we look at why the Oral Health Promotion team are supporting the School Aged Immunisation Service to encourage young people to take up the offer of the HPV vaccination.

The Mouth Cancer Foundation state that The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), could overtake tobacco and alcohol as the main risk factor for mouth cancer within the next decade.

Julia Wilkinson, Senior Health Promotion Specialist “Raising the awareness of mouth cancer within the community is something we are very passionate about. We are honoured to be able to work in partnership with the School Aged Immunisation Service to empower our young people to take responsibility for their own health by accessing this vital vaccine. We will be sharing our brand new Health4Me magazine with young people during World Immunisation Week”

The Health4Me magazine has been created in partnership with students and front line staff to ensure the topics included are relevant to what young people want to know



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